
Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns launch diary: How to fix an expansion iteratively

I know I promised you an entry that focused on the changes to the in-game economy as my next installment to the Heart of Thorns...

Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns launch diary: Gaining masteries and lessening the grind

I've had the whole weekend with Heart of Thorns now, and I'm progressing very nicely in both the story and masteries. I've still yet to...

Massively Overthinking: WildStar, Guild Wars 2, and MMO raiding in 2015

Here we are in October, sandwiched between WildStar's F2P conversion and Guild Wars 2's Heart of Thorns launch, and it seems as if we're...

Chronicles of Elyria dev blog: Immersion, heroism, and realism

Announced earlier this year, Chronicles of Elyria is a startup sandbox in a sea of such sandboxes, but some of its features are rare even...
I am the most expensive player.

Trove explains its new player marketplace

You - yes, you - are the most perfectly creative player in Trove. You know it, your friends know it, and your enemies pretend...
So, how about those balance issues?

Destiny addresses major bug before Trials of Osiris return

Competitive content that's meant to push players to their limits is something less than effective when bugs muck up the process. The Destiny team...
It's the economy, stupid!

WildStar patches in some economic improvements

WildStar offers some robust options for customizing gear in both appearance and stats, but some of those systems were just a bit more pricey...

Guild Wars 2’s Heart of Thorns economy and legendary weapons

ArenaNet has published two Guild Wars 2 dev blogs today: one on the economy and one on legendary weapons. ANet economist John Smith begins by...

WildStar promises economy and tradeskill improvements

In response to player feedback from the recent Reloaded update for WildStar, Carbine is preparing several changes to the economy and tradeskills that will be added...

Project Copernicus was in trouble long before its $75M loan

The lengthy post-mortem of Project Copernicus and 38 Studios never seems to end, does it? While the answer to "What went wrong?" is multi-faceted at the very...

Global Chat: The death of hope for Pathfinder Online

Pathfinder Online might not be completely dead, but hope for it has certainly gone down the drain following the announcement of the studio's mass...
Explode everywhere.

WildStar shuts down the auction house before the free-to-play switch

WildStar will be free-to-play in a hot minute, and that means that certain things have to change, like several of the auction house mechanics....

Is WildStar’s cash shop pay-to-win?

Is WildStar going to be pay-to-win when the free-to-play patch hits on September 29th? That's the topic du jour of a video that looks...
Oh, awesome, camping!

Darkfall Unholy Wars adjusts its economic rebalance

At times, it seems like the entire history of Darkfall is one major adjustment after another. It hasn't been long since the game completely...

World of Warships makes history come alive (and shoot you)

In honor of World of Warships' official launch today, we're celebrating what makes this naval combat game come alive. Previously, I explored the details and...

ARK video spotlights the headbutting Pachycephalosaurus

The newest bundle of dino joy has arrived in ARK: Survival Evolved, and it sure packs a whollup! Before you say, But I already...

MMO Mechanics: Economic stagnation in MMO economies

MMO economies are notoriously hard to balance, so most MMO players have seen the effects of stagnation and hyperinflation in an MMO economy for...

The Game Archaeologist: Lucasfilm’s Habitat

Some of you reading this may simply never have known a world before the internet existed by virtue of your age. It's not your...

Stick and Rudder: Star Citizen is starting to come together

Last Tuesday I woke in the wee hours of the morning to install Star Citizen's 1.2 patch. I wasn't battling insomnia or anything like that; on the...

Massively Overthinking: Building your dream MMORPG

Massively OP Kickstarter donor xenaphex wants to hear about our dream MMOs. What really makes you tick? What would you build with a million-bajillion...