Official Site: EverQuest II
Studio: SOE, now Daybreak Game Company
Launch Date: November 9, 2004
Genre: Fantasy Hybrid Themepark
Business Model: Hybrid F2P (Optional Sub, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC
everquest II
The Stream Team: High-speed Heritage Questing in EverQuest II
Have you been missing EverQuest Two-sday? Well, it's back! And there are so many different adventures MassivelyOP's MJ wants to get to before the...
EverQuest II’s progression servers launch on July 21st
Norrathians eager to start life from the beginning again on EverQuest II's upcoming time-locked servers have only one more week to wait. Producer Holly...
Earn new EverQuest and Landmark rewards with the EQ Worlds app
It might be time to dig out that mostly-forgotten EverQuest Worlds mobile app, especially if you've been playing one of Daybreak's fantasy titles. The...
EverQuest II begins testing its new progression servers
Will EverQuest II's new progression servers prove to be the popular gathering spot that EverQuest's was earlier this summer? We will soon find out,...
One Shots: Impossible architecture
When you construct your buildings out of pixels and polygons, you don't necessarily have to worry about what's physically possible and what isn't, just...
E3 2015: Holly Longdale on the EverQuest franchise’s progression servers
Progression servers are definitely a hot topic in the EverQuest franchise right now. EverQuest recently opened up a new one for those nostalgic for...
Ask Mo: If Star Wars Galaxies is so smart, why ain’t it rich?
Star Wars Galaxies would have been 12 years old this week, had it lived a day past Star Wars: The Old Republic. That makes...
The Stream Team: Ode to EverQuest II’s past and future
Even though MassivelyOP's MJ adores EverQuest II now, she's looking forward to jumping into the upcoming progression servers herself and starting life over from scratch....
EverQuest II adds fabled Echoes of Faydwer zones, talks expansion servers
EverQuest 2 is releasing a handful of Fabled Echoes of Faydwer zones today. The Acadechism, The Court of Innovation, and the Crypt of Valdoon...
EverQuest II outlines plans for new timelocked servers
It's hard to deny that there was a definite appeal to EverQuest's progression server when it first came out. So the EverQuest II team...
EverQuest 2 will merge servers ‘within the next few months’
EverQuest 2 producer Holly Longdale says that Daybreak will merge US servers on the long-running fantasy MMO "within the next few months."
She says that merges...
One Shots: Bagpipes in the woods
I can't say that I'm the biggest fan of bagpipe music, although I do harbor a certain fascination for any musical instrument that looks...
The MMO industry mourns the passing of Christopher Lee
If you haven't heard the news already, then we're sorry to report that Star Wars and Lord of the Rings actor Christopher Lee has...
The Stream Team: EverQuest II’s Rum Cellar housing tour
Just because you can't get to EverQuest II's Rum Cellar content yet doesn't mean you can't enjoy the atmosphere of that pirate-y cove. MassivelyOP's MJ...
EverQuesting: Why I cheered when EQ’s progression server crashed
When EverQuest's newest progression server Ragefire came online then took an immediate nosedive, I sprang from my chair cheering.
Hey now, don't aim those eye...
EverQuest II is getting time-locked PvE and PvP servers
Holly Longdale's recent producer's letter for EverQuest II offered a slew of news, including the announcement that time-locked PvE and PvP servers are coming...
One Shots: Nothing to see here, move along
Do you ever stop to realize just how much weirdness we see and dismiss every day as MMO gamers? If a fraction of the...
Massively Overthinking: What would persuade you to play a classic MMO?
For this edition of Massively Overthinking, Kickstarter donor Sargon wants us think back to 1997, when Ultima Online launched and parted MMOs from graphical MUDs forever....
Perfect Ten: Ten MMOs still going after ten years
It struck me, very recently, that a decade is a long time for MMOs.
If we're going to count Ultima Online as the first proper...
The Daily Grind: Should more MMOs include advanced classes?
One of the very first RPGs that I played was Final Fantasy for the NES. I remember pouring over the manual at my friend's...