
The Stream Team: Wrapping up SWTOR’s Shadow of Revan

MassivelyOP's MJ and Larry finally faced Revan -- only to learn that things weren't what they seemed. Now they must continue on to unmask...
Also, it's crazy random.

First impressions of World of Warcraft: Legion, part two

When last we left off, the world was screwed. World of Warcraft: Legion doesn't tell you that you're facing a huge threat, it just...

Black Desert’s Valencia II, desert PvP system, and Warrior Awakening arrive today

Part II of Black Desert's Valencia expansion releases today alongside the Warrior class Awakening, which allows level 55+ Warriors to unlock the Greatsword weapon....

RIFT defends swing back to buy-to-play model for Starfall Prophecy

Trion Worlds has been doing its darndest to get out in front of any consumer issues with its decision to revert back to a...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 80: Enter the Legion

Justin and Bree discuss WoW Legion, Guild Wars 2, RIFT, Trove, EverQuest II, Wargaming, Funcom, Star Citizen, SOTA, and TERA, with mailbag questions on gaming/life balance and dungeon bookmarks.

Hyperspace Beacon: The Shroud of Star Wars The Old Republic

I’m going to hit you again with some lore this week from Star Wars: The Old Republic. However, I promise that there will be...

Lord of the Rings Online has a two-and-a-half-year plan

Lord of the Rings Online isn't prepared to close up shop in Middle-earth just yet. In a new interview with fansite Dadi's LOTRO Guides,...

Someone is already 110 in WoW Legion, plus faction roadblocks for old Druids

If you were a Druid eagerly looking forward to World of Warcraft: Legion who also had a particularly odd set of pre-expansion decisions, you...

Skyforge’s Ascension expansion promotes casual-friendly changes, new map, Outlaw class

Allods Team and My.com have announced a "massive" new expansion for Skyforge due out this fall. Called Ascension, the update includes a badass new...
Do you ever feel like we, as a group, are collectively trying too hard?

Happy World of Warcraft: Legion launch day and roundup

The time is here. After a few weeks of fighting against demonic invasions, World of Warcraft players can access the Broken Isles and start...
Did we not tell you this is how things would go down?

The Daily Grind: What are your first impressions of Legion?

Well, it's here. World of Warcraft: Legion has been out in the US for five hours now (more for Europeans!), which in internet time is more...
Just whenever you get around to us, it's cool.

First impressions of World of Warcraft: Legion, part one

It was around the time that I was burning my way through drakes that I found myself nodding in appreciation. This was it, I...

World of Warcraft: Legion launch trailer and launch schedule

Tick, tock. World of Warcraft's Legion expansion drops in eight hours for EU players, 17 in the US -- which of course is the middle of...

The MOP Up: Going on a pirate hunt (August 28, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Ruins in the jungle

Could Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns' greatest achievement be in its architecture? Even though I haven't played it, I certainly have heard a...

The four ways you’ll become more powerful in RIFT: Starfall Prophecy

When RIFT: Starfall Prophecy goes live this fall, character growth won't merely be limited to another five levels and associated stat increases. Trion Worlds...

Why Eternal Crusade is launching on Steam first

Last week, Behaviour Interactive and Namco Bandai announced a release date for Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade -- September 23 -- but it surprised gamers...
Would you like to see something unsettling?

WoW Factor: Sticking the landing of the Legion expansion

Next week, folks, it's go time. The expansion arrives, and so forth. My impressions of the expansion will start going out on Monday, but...

Wayfarer’s Reverie returns to the original Guild Wars

Here's your public service announcement for the week: Guild Wars isn't dead -- not by a long shot. ArenaNet's first title continues to operate in...
Seriously, help me out, I don't know when the moneymaking comes in.

Dive deeper into Path of Exile’s Atlas mechanics

Path of Exile's next big expansion, Atlas of Worlds, launches next week. What is Atlas of Worlds? Producer Chris Wilson previously touched on the...