
‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

Break on through to the other side.

Champions Online’s third anniversary week brings back Dr. Destroyer and his Destroid robots

It's been some time since Champions Online launched, but we've finally learned a great truth about the game's major villain: Despite his grammatically ambiguous name,...
Uh... huh. Is that what this game is about?

Aion celebrates its 10-year anniversary with a plethora of in-game events

It's Aion's birthday! The game has been running for a decade now, which means that various proclamations that the title was dead over the course...

Star Trek Online is bringing back the horror-themed Hearts and Minds mission for Friday the 13th

At the time of this story's writing, it is Friday the 13th, which either brings to mind goofy horror monsters, bad luck traditions, or...

City of Titans offers a look at the landmarks of Alexandria from inside the game’s world

While we've gotten a look at landmark locations a couple of times in City of Titans before, the latest preview post would be the...

Dungeons and Dragons Online dishes out anniversary gifts

While we usually convene here at Massively OP to discuss game launch anniversaries, today we have something slightly different: the launch of a business...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most obscure MMO you wish were still around?

I bet you thought this post was gonna be about Zentia, since I loved that game and almost no one remembers it. But it's...

The Stream Team: Night two of new Neverwinter adventures

Massively OP's MJ completely intended to make a new Gith in Neverwinter, but then she made her Drow rogue and there was no going...

Path of Exile lays out its expansion plan for the next year, through the 4.0.0 release

Path of Exile studio Grinding Gear Games is already hard at work shoring up the remaining issues in the Blight league launch. But what...

Star Wars The Old Republic’s Charles Boyd talks up Onslaught’s first planet, Onderon

The planet of Onderon has a much more vast story history than I was aware of, with the location used in comic book form,...

PSA: Lord of the Rings Online is slashing prices for the Helm’s Deep expansion

Lord of the Rings Online is notoriously reluctant to give any sort of price reductions for its expansions, so it's a good week indeed...
Thanks, I hate it.

Fortnite adds in the unfortunately named Moisty Palms with its perfect prop disguises

You there! Do you want to shoot people in an area dubbed "Moisty Palms?" No, probably not, but that is the exact level that Fortnite's...

Interview: Star Trek Online’s Al Rivera on Discovery’s Awakening and beyond

The Federation's past is meeting its future this week with the rollout of Awakening for Star Trek Online. Set in the "present" timeline of...

Path of Exile cancels new lockboxes-within-lockboxes after ‘intensely negative’ feedback

So let's play a little round of bad news, good news with Path of Exile. Yesterday, with the Blight expansion not even a week...

League of Legends promises improvements to events and game modes in a quick Q&A

It's not exactly an AMA or a Q&A of substantial length, considering Riot cherry-picked questions that tied to an overall topic, but League of...

RuneScape has cancelled the Weapon Diversity project, but not its goals

There was a noble goal at the heart of RuneScape's Weapon Diversity project: making every individual weapon type feel like a distinct choice beyond raw...
Oh, please be all right.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 237: Fallen Earth’s final glorious sunset

Justin and Bree tackle Fallen Earth's sunset, WoW Classic, going back to Guild Wars 2, LOTRO, Astellia Online's monetization, CCP's new MMO, City of Heroes, and a mailbag question on swatting.

Path of Exile announces a patch to address several Blight League bugs on PC

The Blight League update has arrived to Path of Exile, though it would appear that it has not done so completely unblighted if a...

Star Trek Online Awakening is officially live today, starring Discovery’s Anthony Rapp

Star Trek Online Awakening is formally launching on PC today, with Star Trek Discovery's Anthony Rapp's voice and visage at the helm of the...

Working As Intended: What it means to be an MMORPG

I am amused and somewhat bewildered to admit that I have my very own pet troll. He follows me around on Reddit to hassle...

ArcheAge Unchained’s latest stream covers server count, Steam, and labor

If you missed Friday's ArcheAge stream, then good news for you: The ArcheAge subreddit, which is only slightly more excited for Unchained than the...