
‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

That World of Warships Steven Seagal thing is getting weirder

Remember last week when we wrote about how Wargaming has picked up actor Steven Seagal as its spokesman -- I'm sorry, "personal Heroic Battle...
All of the ladies in this game seem to have an actual class of Clothing Avoider.

New report says South Korean MMORPG companies are ‘facing a crisis’

The Financial Times blog has a doom-and-gloom report out this week on the gaming market of South Korea, specifically the MMO genre. "The country’s online...

The MOP Up: Going on a pirate hunt (August 28, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Ruins in the jungle

Could Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns' greatest achievement be in its architecture? Even though I haven't played it, I certainly have heard a...

The four ways you’ll become more powerful in RIFT: Starfall Prophecy

When RIFT: Starfall Prophecy goes live this fall, character growth won't merely be limited to another five levels and associated stat increases. Trion Worlds...

The Game Archaeologist: The silent world of Tibia

If I were to tell you that there's a Western MMO out there that's as old as Ultima Online and yet still has a...

The Daily Grind: What makes you excited to log into your MMO?

I love it when my interest in an MMO hits those occasional spikes where I'm logging in not just because it's what I do...
Well, this was a little on the nose, wasn't it?

TERA is offering players pigs who do in fact fly

You know all of those crazy things you said you'd do when pigs fly? Well, that's a thing that's happening. TERA has added a...
A whole new wait, no, not doing this song, never mind.

TERA plans server merges and sweeping guild changes

TERA is gearing up for a most unusual round of server merges. "On Wednesday, September 7, we will be merging Highwatch, Lake of Tears, and...
Seriously, help me out, I don't know when the moneymaking comes in.

Dive deeper into Path of Exile’s Atlas mechanics

Path of Exile's next big expansion, Atlas of Worlds, launches next week. What is Atlas of Worlds? Producer Chris Wilson previously touched on the...

Marvel Heroes the angelic assassin Angela and never-melting ice cream bars

As was foretold by the stars and prophets of old -- as well as Gazillion's developers -- Thor's sister Angela has joined the cast...

Crossout brings road warrior action to Steam early access

A morning commute to work or school can become a lot more fun if your vehicle has the capacity to clear a path with...
No, this is not Star Trek: Beyond.

RIFT buffs up the Saboteur soul

The Saboteur in RIFT is all about, well, sabotage. It's a specialty based around bombs blowing things the heck up. The latest patch to...
Yes, we're here.

Enter to win a Twin Saga Pioneer founder pack from Aeria and Massively OP

If you're eager to jump into Aeria's anime import Twin Saga and want to go in bedecked in all the game's fineries, then winning...

Perfect Ten: My favorite features in RIFT

RIFT receives too little of the MMORPG community's attention, partially due to its age (six years now), contentious feelings toward Trion Worlds, or a perception...
We were the kings and queens of promise.

Superdata’s July 2016 data show Guild Wars 2 surging, Pokemon Go on top

Superdata's July report on online gaming revenues is in, and there are some predictable bits and some surprises. On the P2P MMO front, the...
Still looks like a crowd of concert fans, though.

Warframe offers Nekros Prime access to players

How would you rank your abilities as a harbinger of death and destruction? That's sort of the whole point of Warframe's Nekros Prime, you...

Wargaming partners with Steven Seagal, shutters mobile studio with mass layoffs

Wargaming has brought on actor and martial artist Steven Seagal to be World of Warships' "personal Heroic Battle Advisor." "Claiming victory in World of Warships...

Funcom warns of system-wide forum data breach

A blaze of Twitter messages has just erupted to inform Funcom's community that all of its game forums have been breached by hackers and...
You either didn't like the last answer or you didn't care then or now.

League of Legends community clashes with Riot over e-sports, patches, and money

It's no surprise when drama crops up in a gaming community of millions, especially when professional e-sports and money are involved. So it goes...