
‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

Lord of the Rings Online hints at a Shelob raid, schedules Update 19 for this fall

Following the revelation of Lord of the Rings Online's two-and-a-half-year plan, the second part of a fansite interview turned its attention to the subject of...

My.com is porting its pirate MOBA here as Cloud Pirates

Remember back in July when we wrote about Pirates: Allods Online, a 10v10 shooter/MOBA/thing that landed in beta in Russia? I have good news...
I'm sorry this is the only long-form article you're likely to get, Twin Saga.

Twin Saga enters open beta today with Dragonknights, level cap of 65

Aeria's Twin Saga MMORPG enters open beta in the west as of today. The company says that closed beta saw 700,000 logins and 250,000...

The Stream Team: Too many Mechs in MechWarrior Online!

MassivelyOP's MJ has been suffering from 'Mech withdrawals. The only cure: Some MechWarrior Online! She's suiting up to dive back into battle, but she...
Vacation spots!

Wizard101 looks back at its updates this year and teases the future

The summer is just about over, as hard as that may seem to believe. Wizard101's producer, Leah Ruben, has taken the passing season to...

Riders of Icarus has dungeons galore incoming

Give the Riders of Icarus team credit: It seems to be very gung-ho in pumping out more content for the relatively new MMO. So...

Stronghold Kingdoms plans to let players delete their own server

Stronghold Kingdoms developer Firefly Studios claims to be making history today by becoming "the first developer to place the fate of entire game worlds...

The Stream Team: Wrapping up SWTOR’s Shadow of Revan

MassivelyOP's MJ and Larry finally faced Revan -- only to learn that things weren't what they seemed. Now they must continue on to unmask...
Space is so big.

EVE Online is getting an optional free-to-play mode

EVE Online is going free-to-play -- kinda. CCP is being careful not to call it that, saying that its plan is "for a new...

RIFT defends swing back to buy-to-play model for Starfall Prophecy

Trion Worlds has been doing its darndest to get out in front of any consumer issues with its decision to revert back to a...

Global Chat: How should studios sunset MMOs?

When it comes time for whatever reason to put an MMORPG to pasture, how should a studio do it? For Brian "Psychochild" Green, this...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 80: Enter the Legion

Justin and Bree discuss WoW Legion, Guild Wars 2, RIFT, Trove, EverQuest II, Wargaming, Funcom, Star Citizen, SOTA, and TERA, with mailbag questions on gaming/life balance and dungeon bookmarks.

Hyperspace Beacon: The Shroud of Star Wars The Old Republic

I’m going to hit you again with some lore this week from Star Wars: The Old Republic. However, I promise that there will be...

Lord of the Rings Online has a two-and-a-half-year plan

Lord of the Rings Online isn't prepared to close up shop in Middle-earth just yet. In a new interview with fansite Dadi's LOTRO Guides,...

Firefall appears to have silently sunsetted (Update: Or maybe not?)

Update, 8:39 p.m. EDT: The game and site are back online now, still with no explanation or clarification from The9 whatsoever. Hopefully it stays up for...

Landmark begins issuing 10-day trial keys

Players who haven't experienced the wide-open wonder of Landmark now have a free option at their disposal. Daybreak recently announced that it is issuing 10-day...

Path of Exile is about to get a turbo boost to its performance

Graphical slowdowns due to excessive particle effects look to be on the way out for Path of Exile, as the team is planning some pretty...

Guardians of Ember hack’n’slash MMO launches early access next month

You might remember InselGames as the studio that tried to bring back L.A.W. as Trinium Wars, which didn't go well in the west and...

That World of Warships Steven Seagal thing is getting weirder

Remember last week when we wrote about how Wargaming has picked up actor Steven Seagal as its spokesman -- I'm sorry, "personal Heroic Battle...
All of the ladies in this game seem to have an actual class of Clothing Avoider.

New report says South Korean MMORPG companies are ‘facing a crisis’

The Financial Times blog has a doom-and-gloom report out this week on the gaming market of South Korea, specifically the MMO genre. "The country’s online...