
Heroes of the Storm gets an honest trailer

Surely you've heard of the honest trailer phenomenon, wherein a guy with an action movie trailer voice narrates footage of popular films, TV shows,...

RuneScape players fend off a planet eater

Bummer: A giant creature named Tuska is heading toward RuneScape's world with the full intent of gobbling it up. Wait, did we say bummer?...

Crowfall preps core combat test, commits to raising $1M from additional investors

With a large roster of potential classes, how will Crowfall balance it all? By starting small, of course. The devs wrote a new post...

Das Tal invites everyone to the alpha test for one day only

Das Tal's Kickstarter campaign is staring down its final week, and with only a little over 27 grand raised of its $55,794 goal, it's...

Aion’s Upheaval begins on June 17th

At a time when players are leery of being nickle-and-dimed, Aion is releasing yet another completely free expansion. Also known as patch 4.8, Upheaval...

Neverwinter’s Rise of Tiamat expansion coming to Xbox One this month

Cryptic has announced that Neverwinter's Rise of Tiamat expansion is coming to Xbox One this month. There's no definitive date just yet, though the press...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Hands-on with Guild Wars 2’s Heart of Thorns beta

My excitement for Guild Wars 2's first expansion has been no secret, so you can easily guess how much fun I had climbing the...
I'd rather have the mount, honestly.

World of Warcraft and Hearthstone get Heroes of the Storm cross-promotion items

Do you have any desire to play the newly launched Heroes of the Storm yet? What if we told you that you could get a...

The Daily Grind: Are MMOs in a cultural decline?

An editorial over at Rock Paper Shotgun attempts to tie two topics together as one: why there will never be a World of Warcraft...

Global Chat: Blizzard’s war on flying

How is the MMO blogging community reacting to Blizzard's proclamation that flying mounts are grounded -- perhaps permanently -- in World of Warcraft? In...

You can ride a motorcycle in The Secret World tomorrow

The title really says it all, no? Funcom has announced that it is bringing down The Secret World's servers on June 3rd at 8:30...

Guild Wars 2’s second stronghold beta test is happening right now

The fight of the century -- or at least the next 24 hours -- is on in Guild Wars 2. The fantasy MMO is...

Win a Wizard101 Aztecan Builder’s Bundle from Massively OP

Kid-friendly MMO Wizard101 is debuting a brand-new bundle pack this week for denizens of the Spiral. The $39 Aztecan Builder's Bundle includes 5000 crowns or...
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Offer your feedback on Skyforge in a new survey

As Skyforge ramps up for its next closed beta test, the developers are eager to know what can be done to make the game...

LOTRO musicians prepare for Weatherstock VII

For seven years now, it's been a tradition among the Lord of the Rings Online community to assemble at the summit of the iconic...

A guide to Heroes of the Storm for MOBA newbies and MMORPG fans

So you've heard about MOBAs by now, right? Maybe you tried League of Legends, or the idea behind DOTA 2 was too confusing to inspire a...
Barfalo Wild Wings.

World of Warcraft’s Ashran expands to a new area in patch 6.2

If you've been taking part in the battles over Ashran in World of Warcraft, it's understandable that you could be a little tired of...
I could talk about planting ideas in your head, but that seems a bit too easy.

Guild Wars 2 teases a Ventari image

You have probably noticed by now that ArenaNet likes to be a bit cryptic with its Guild Wars 2 teasers. Case in point: a...
This dude, but in motion.

Crowfall supporters unlock localization stretch goal

Is English not your first language? If not, thanks for struggling through and reading our site anyway, and you can also take heart in...

SuperData’s Van Dreunen on tomorrow’s Heroes of the Storm launch

Tomorrow's the big day for Blizzard's entry into the crowded and uber-competitive MOBA market. Heroes of the Storm officially launches on June 2nd, and...