final fantasy xiv

Official Site: Final Fantasy XIV
Studio: Square Enix
Launch Date: September 30, 2010; relaunched August 27, 2013
Genre: Fantasy Hybrid Themepark
Business Model: Subscription (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC, PS3, PS4

Playable Worlds’ Raph Koster on why avatars traipsing across the metaverse are a major tech challenge

Virtual worlds... how the eff do they work? Playable Worlds' Raph Koster has an idea or two, and he's dishing them out in a...

Massively Overthinking: Would you play your favorite MMO without its IP?

Nonameplease recently posed us an interesting topic, inspired by a thread on the Star Trek Online subreddit. "It seems most people don't think the...
Like a boss.

Final Fantasy XIV is why Final Fantasy XI didn’t get a PlayStation 3 port

If you're wondering why you never got a version of Final Fantasy XI to play on the PlayStation 3 (back in the years when the...

The Stream Team: A return to raiding in Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers

It's been a long time -- a number of years to be precise -- since MOP's Chris has done any of the raid level...

Final Fantasy XIV players memorialize Stephen Critchlow, the voice behind Count Edmont de Fortemps

The Final Fantasy XIV community is in mourning this week as English actor Stephen Critchlow has passed away at the age of 54. Critchlow...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 339: Kitchen sinks and the Tao of MMOs

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, Funcom, Mortal Online 2, WoW Classic, EverQuest II, Star Trek Online, and Final Fantasy XIV, with adventures in Elder Scrolls Online and SWG Legends, plus mailbag topics on the direction of Guild Wars 2 and WoW and what's going on with LOTRO's dead servers.
No belts

Final Fantasy XIV details the process of deprecating belts ahead of its next expansion

Final Fantasy XIV is going to remove your belt. Not like that; get your mind out of the gutter. The game is removing belts...
Oh, right.

Wisdom of Nym: Reactions to Final Fantasy XIV’s job changes from the live letter

One of the things that excites me every time about Final Fantasy XIV is the way that the game can tell you up-front exactly...

Global Chat: New World beta pleases some, fails to grab others

The buzz around MMO Town these days is on New World, and specifically, the open beta that wrapped up last week. So far, the...

LOTRO Legendarium: Why do we know so little about Fate of Gundabad?

Over the past few months, my general sense of rising hope for Lord of the Rings Online has been tempered by a nagging disquiet...

Final Fantasy XIV reveals job actions and battle changes in its latest live letter

The are changes coming to Final Fantasy XIV with the next expansion, and that includes a whole lot of changes to job actions for...

Final Fantasy XIV posts its fourth anniversary story ahead of the live letter this evening

Another Friday means that it's time for another installment of the Final Fantasy XIV anniversary fiction, and this one is taking aim at a largely...
Feelings felt

Vague Patch Notes: Returning MMO players need tutorials too

One of the nice things about Final Fantasy XIV is that it is explicitly designed by someone who thinks that it's not just reasonable but expected...
Now fight for something!

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s lack of public testing is fine by me

When the Final Fantasy XIV media tour happens, it'll be the first opportunity anyone outside of Square-Enix has gotten to look at anything related...

One Shots: En garde!

It's not always the type of sword but how you hold it, the masters say. And if you've got the spirit of a duelist...

Final Fantasy XIV shares a story from Fordola’s younger days

Who doesn't like Fordola in Final Fantasy XIV? She's everyone's favorite sassy former Garlean operative turned salty Ala Mhigan Primal-slayer, to summarize a lot of character...

Massively Overthinking: Overcoming barriers-to-exit in MMOs

About a thousand years ago, I wrote an article on Old Massively called "but I already have that game" about barriers-to-exit: the difficulty of...

Global Chat: World of Warcraft’s kick in the pants, Guild Wars 2’s choice paralysis

What happens when an MMORPG gets a big kick in the pants from both critical lashings and a company-wide scandal? It may actually get...
Good car, bad game.

Final Fantasy XIV brings back the Final Fantasy XV collaboration event on September 13

If you missed out on getting a suit of attire, Orchestrion rolls, or the flying four-seat car mount in Final Fantasy XIV the last...
I don't want more of this! I never wanted any of it!

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs begin as they mean to go on?

In Eliot's open letter to new players and vets of Final Fantasy XIV last month, he noted that Final Fantasy XIV's endgame is not...