final fantasy


Final Fantasy XI, an MMORPG released in 2002
Final Fantasy XIV, an MMORPG released in 2010 and re-released in 2013
Final Fantasy series, a series of video games that began in 1987

One Shots: Songs for a sinking ship

Maybe it's just me, but whenever I see a screenshot with a Dutch angle, I naturally assume that either a ship or the entire...
It's actually fine.

Wisdom of Nym: Why the Final Fantasy XIV billboard was a terrible idea

Every so often you run across something that makes you want to slam your head against a wall out of sheer, unadulterated bafflement. "What...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO is too ambitious for its own good?

This week's Final Fantasy XIV update had our newsroom shaking our heads, not because of any animosity for the game but because the situation...
So many swords.

Final Fantasy XIV re-enables data center travel, though congestion could still delay players

As we reported yesterday, the release of Final Fantasy XIV 6.18, whose key feature was the introduction of voluntary travel between data centers, didn't...
Tales of loss, and fire, and faith.

Final Fantasy XIV fans and official talents join together in singing ‘Close in the Distance’

Ultima Thule in Final Fantasy XIV is a zone with a lot of impact for fans of the game, a lot of emotions running...
Tataru and her muffin adventure.

Final Fantasy XIV nightclub advertises a gathering on real-world billboard oblivious to terms like ‘copyright’ and ‘trademark’

Sometimes all of us make poor choices, decisions that seemed like good ideas at the time but are later revealed to have been made...

Wisdom of Nym: Reactions to Final Fantasy XIV’s live letter and 6.2 preview

The first live letter previewing a new patch is always a little weird for Final Fantasy XIV, and this one is especially unusual. See,...
Almost tangible. Again.

Final Fantasy XIV’s 6.18 update is live, but the data center travel system is already struggling

As promised, Final Fantasy XIV's 6.18 update has rolled out to players today after a looooong maintenance over the US holiday yesterday. Data center travel,...
Always the level.

Vague Patch Notes: A love letter to the people going above and beyond in the MMO genre

Let's just lead off with a very simple statement. Hey there, teams out there working on MMOs and doing more than you need to?...
It's Cid! Hi Cid! Fix this.

Final Fantasy XIV previews patch 6.2, Buried Memory, in the newest live letter

(Buried) Memory, all alone in the (buried) moonlight! I can dream of the old (buried) days, (Buried) life was beautiful then... And so begin the cheeky nods...
Sour faced.

Final Fantasy XI discusses bundled subscriptions, burn parties, and new zones in its AMA

In honor of the game's 20th anniversary, the Final Fantasy XI staff recently held an AMA event on Reddit. This is all well and...

Final Fantasy XIV plans a 24-hour maintenance window for patch 6.18

So there's good news and bad news for people heavily looking forward to Final Fantasy XIV patch 6.18. The good news is that it...

Final Fantasy XI’s Celestial Nights event reruns on July 1 with new and returning rewards

It's that time of the year in Final Fantasy XI: The time when players get to talk to moogles, walk with a prince and...

Wisdom of Nym: So what will we hear in the next Final Fantasy XIV live letter?

All right. So the next Final Fantasy XIV live letter is happening on this Friday. In and of itself, that's not unusual, of course;...

One Shots: You don’t belong here

Oh man. Oh boy. You've stumbled into the wrong fantasy tavern, bub, and now you're in for it. Everyone's looking at you. Knives are...

Steam’s Summer Sale 2022 slashes prices on New World, Endwalker, Classic Guild Wars, and more

Steam's Summer Sale is upon us once again, and this morning you might even be able to access it without everything timing out! There are...

Massively Overthinking: The second big five MMOs

So here in the MMORPG genre, we've been working under the assumption for the last few years that the "big five" MMOs that dominate...
You want to live here, huh?

Final Fantasy XIV makes more wards available to private buyers starting on July 10

Finding a house in Final Fantasy XIV can be a challenging prospect just insofar as needing to have access to a plot before you...

The Stream Team: More roulettes and duty runs in Final Fantasy XIV

The thing about having one character capable of holding every job in Final Fantasy XIV is that you have to level them up. That's...
Guess who's back. Back again.

Perfect Ten: The old-school guide to grouping up in Final Fantasy XI back in the day

Recently, our resident Choose My Adventure expert Chris has been taking on Final Fantasy XI, and he's come away with a somewhat... let's say...