
Make My MMO: Camelot Unchained works on Mages, the WoW Diary is about to Kickstart

This week week in MMO crowdfunding, Camelot Unchained has been working on everything from earrings to pathfinding, though the effort on Mages is probably going...
You may recognize this design from your own tabletop history. Or something like it.

Kickstarted MMO Fractured shows off its Alpha 1 map of Myr

The first alpha test for Fractured has not yet begun, but you can get a taste of what it'll be like with a look...
Light it up.

Path of Exile shares improvements being worked on for Delve upgrades

If the world takes only one lesson from Path of Exile, it should be the virtue of improving things steadily based on feedback. Players...

Chinese MMO company NetEase invests $50M into SpatialOS MMO platform

Improbable's SpatialOS is moving on up in the world: The company announced this week that China's NetEase has invested $50 million to acquire a...

Make My MMO: Camelot’s beta one, Fractured’s successful Kickstarter (July 29, 2018)

This week in MMO crowdfunding, anti-grind, PvP-optional MMO sandbox Fractured became the biggest traditional MMORPG to fund on Kickstarter this year (Temtem pulled in more cash...
The next few months, then.

Betawatch: Fallout 76 starts beta testing in October (July 27, 2018)

Good news for those of you patiently (or not-so-patiently) waiting for Fallout 76 to enter beta testing, you have a date! Slightly worse news,...

MMORPG sandbox Fractured’s Kickstarter has just fully funded at over $130,000

Phew! A few weeks ago, I was not confident that Fractured's Kickstarter was going to make it, but it cleared its goal with just...
We hunted ourselves.

Fractured’s Kickstarter has just fully funded; stay tuned for this afternoon’s Q&A livestream

As Fractured counts down the final two days of its Kickstarter campaign, it looks as though the indie MMO has pulled it off: Just...

Make My MMO: Star Citizen in small claims court, Fractured nearing the finish line (July 21, 2018)

This week in MMO crowdfunding, Fractured ramped up its Kickstarter dev blogs as it nears the finish line of its crowdfunding effort, which ends...

Fractured’s player city system is the evolution of Star Wars Galaxies

MMORPG sandbox Fractured has five days to secure another 16K to make its $116K Kickstarter goal - and it just broke the $100K barrier...

Fractured’s Kickstarter stretch goals include a dungeon crawler inside an asteroid

Sitting at about 80% funded with under a week to go, Fractured's Kickstarter campaign may come down to the wire in the end. Even...

Fractured pivots from global to regional servers as it pushes toward its Kickstarter goal

Quite often, you hear MMO gamers lament that their communities are artificially separated into different servers, with all of the problems that that entails....

Fractured is hosting a livestream on crafting and building today

Want to know more about crafting and building in Fractured as the game has passed its 75% funding mark? Good news, you'll have a...

Make My MMO: Aria’s second closed beta, Star Citizen’s protest, and Crowfall’s engine on the market (July 15, 2018)

This week in MMO crowdfunding, we got our first hints of "emergent gameplay" in Star Citizen as a group of players took over a refueling...
You are not the real thing.

Betawatch: Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen kicks off character creation (July 13, 2018)

It's important in an MMO to feel like you own the bundle of stats and spells that you lovingly refer to as a character....

Fractured releases development roadmap as Kickstarter campaign enters final weeks

Dynamight Studios has released a development roadmap for its would-be crowdfunded MMO Fractured, which is currently sitting at $66,907 US of its goal of...

Make My MMO: Camelot Unchained’s crash rate is coming down (July 7, 2018)

This week in MMO crowdfunding, the Kickstarter MMO crowd held its breath to find out whether or not Camelot Unchained would indeed make its...
And staying that way.

Fractured devs discuss planetary travel, stargates, survival, and more in Kickstarter Q&A video

MMORPG sandbox Fractured continues its Kickstarter this week, with just 20 days to go on Kickstarter; as I type this, it's pulled in just...
Success is arriving.

Fractured is just over 40% funded as the developers show off more of the game

The earliest moments of a Kickstarter can be the most nail-biting, as doing well early on can often determine whether or not the project...
And staying so.

Make My MMO: Fractured and TemTem work Kickstarter as Elite, SOTA, and Aria post big updates (July 1, 2018)

This week in MMO crowdfunding is one of the biggest ever for this little subgenre, make no mistake. TemTem is about to fund. Fractured's Kickstarter...