free to play

‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

Wizard101 relishes its accomplishments so far this year

It has been a big and busy year for Wizard101, and the team wants to make sure that you notice and appreciate everything it's...

Wizard101 and Pirate101 weather DDOS attacks

If you have tried to log in and play Wizard101 or Pirate101 in the past 24 hours, you may have experienced disappointment as the...

Global Chat: Has No Man’s Sky finally arrived as a full-featured game?

It's been a year since the disastrous and controversial launch of No Man's Sky, a game with failings that included, among many others, a...

Secret World Legends is bringing back legacy transfers

Wait, who said it was OK for it to be September already? Well, while we are here, we might as well enjoy the pumpkin...

Massively Overthinking: Female characters and gender-locked classes in MMOs

One of the reasons I gravitated to and stick by the MMORPG genre in spite of its many ups and downs (oh, so many...

Funcom celebrates ‘most profitable half-year’ in studio’s history and changes logo

Pop the cork and down some champagne, because Funcom is on a roll. In today's Q2 2017 investors report, the studio crowed that it...

EverQuesting: Guide to EverQuest II’s Days of Summer reward event

Did you hear about EverQuest II multi-month Days of Summer reward event? If so, lucky you! Here is an event that was launched with...

Enter to win a Champions Online 8th anniversary pack from PWE and Massively OP

Can you believe Champions Online is eight years old? Yep, it's true, and the festivities are underway! In honor of the celebration, PWE has kindly...
Rawr and stuff.

Neverwinter is going to refine the art of refinement

Are you a fan of Neverwinter's current system of refinement? The developers certainly aren't, which is why the system is being massively overhauled from...

Wizard101 celebrates its ninth birthday with free gifts

Here's one MMO that we didn't realize was creeping up on a decade of live operation! Wizard101 is celebrating its ninth birthday this week,...

Battle Bards Episode 104: Something wicked this way comes

And lo, as the Battle Bards walk through the zone of the shadow of death, they will fear no evil, but they will listen to evil’s...
I mean, there are good reasons.

Black Desert launches Savage Rift patch, back-to-school cash-shop promo

Savage Rift is live in Black Desert today as promised; it's the co-op tower defense minigame in which teams of players will protect the...
Just barely avoided this fate.

Perfect Ten: The 10 saddest MMORPG stories

Every MMO tells a story through the run of its life. A lot of those stories are pretty happy, too. Ultima Online may not...

The LOTRO team dishes on Mordor and PvMP

Hungry for more information about Lord of the Rings Online and its recent Mordor expansion? YouTuber Stefalla interviewed Standing Stone Games CM Jerry Snook...
Perhaps not.

Digital Extremes announces retro permadeath MMO ‘Survived By’

Warframe developer Digital Extremes just announced that it's partnered with Human Head Studios for a new MMO "roguelite" with a pixel-art style. It's called...

Marvel Heroes explains tomorrow’s Omega Prestige system, says it will come to PC later

Maybe you've heard of this new Marvel Heroes Omega Prestige system and have been wondering, "What in Sam Hill is that all about?" Now...

Path of Exile reflects on its Xbox One release

Interested in Path of Exile but lacking copious amounts of free time to pick through a messy AMA session with the devs for relevant...
Very dynamic.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 133: Gaming Gamescom

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, Secret World Legends, LOTRO, sunsets for Ghost in the Shell Online and SkySaga, Closers, ArcheAge 4.0, Star Citizen's Gamescom demo, SWTOR, and WoW Argus, with mailbag questions on Marvel Heroes and MMORPGs as a drug, plus a PAX West preview.

Funcom warns against using third-party resellers for Secret World Legends currency

Thinking about buying or selling some of that Secret World Legends currency outside of the game proper? Funcom's got one word for you: don't. The...

Black Desert launches a tower defense mode dubbed Sealed Tower tomorrow

Tomorrow's Black Desert update will make the new biweekly cadence all worthwhile. Its headline feature? Savage Rift, a de facto co-op tower defense minigame...