game mechanics

Guild Wars 2 unveils the Guardian elite spec: Dragonhunter

Here we are in the wilds of Guild Wars 2 once again, and you can see we've got a big old dragon right there....
Boat status = on one.

ArcheAge outlines the battles in the Sea of Graves

So what sort of nautical nonsense can you get up to in the most recent ArcheAge update? How about beating back a leviathan of...
This could be fun by itself, too.

Everything you need to know about Crowfall’s combat testing

As nifty as Crowfall's mechanical goals are, they're not going to help the game much in the long run if the fundamental combat engine...
Cold analysis.

Wisdom of Nym: Benchmarks and lore for Final Fantasy XIV

Maybe it's just me, but with the steady drip of information that we've gotten about Final Fantasy XIV's first expansion, I find myself sometimes...
How could this have failed? Oh, right, in every fashion.

Pathfinder Online details the future of settlements

The War of Towers in Pathfinder Online was always a placeholder mechanic, something to hold players over before the full Settlement system was in...
Why does everyone have this plan after the fact instead of before?

WildStar outlines its PvP seasons as the first season ends

The next major patch for WildStar is bringing the end of a season of PvP. Did you know you were taking part in the...
Not the chess maneuver.

A guide to building and using your kingdom in Crowfall

Crowfall's individual campaign worlds are intended to be reset over time. That's by design; each world will flourish, then wither, then die. But the...

City of Titans demos its first costume and combat prototypes

It's been a little quiet on the City of Titans development front for a while, but when you see the game's most recent video, you'll understand...
If I could turn back time.

Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns’ first elite spec is the Chronomancer

Let's talk history for a moment. Before Guild Wars 2 was a thing, before it was even an idea, the team at ArenaNet was working...
Also known as a puppyhouse.

Bungie reveals the Reef and more for Destiny’s House of Wolves

House of Wolves is the next big update for Destiny, and the team at Bungie is ready to start revealing what it's all about....
If you read this like, it sounds kind of like he's monitoring some new youth trend.

Neverwinter’s new lead designer takes a ‘hard look’ at Elemental Evil

Neverwinter's Elemental Evil update had some issues that extend beyond some ill-distributed reward codes. A letter to the community from new lead designer Scott...
The jokes write themselves some days.

Age of Conan developers working on panoramas and achievements

What is best in life? Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Stop mid-crush and realize that you're in a really pretty area....
Goin' up to the spirit in the sky.

How to unleash divine wrath in Skyforge

Sure, you get the idea that Skyforge is all about being a deity. But what does that mean? When do you get to unleash...
It'd make a cool Transformer, but I think that about lots of stuff.

The Powerplay update will change how you play Elite: Dangerous

The next big update for Elite: Dangerous centers around the Powerplay system, and it's enough to change the way you see the game world....
I don't know either, guy, just go with it.

Wizard101 patches in jewel socketing

Bad news, Wizard101 players. It looks as if your gear has insufficient swag. It looks downright pedestrian. A homeless wizard could be wearing your...
All of the information present in text, but with a worse index and presented more slowly.

Life is Feudal video dashes hopes for player shops

There are going to be no shops in Life is Feudal when the MMO portion of the game goes live. This is even true...
I did a thing, now give me my stat boost.

Landmark shows off its upcoming achievement-based progression

The next big update to Landmark will bring a major update to progression, and that means a major update to how the game's achievements...
If this game is willing to show itself off despite its age, your game, newer or older, can do the same.

Anarchy Online overhauls its world and professions

Anarchy Online is deploying patch 18.7.0 to the live servers on Tuesday, but if you play the game, you'll probably want to look at...
Not included is a guide the playing it on your 3DS, however.

How to unlock your World of Warcraft Menagerie

There's a feature sitting right in your Garrison in World of Warcraft that you might have barely used, but it's something that pet battle...
Masters without blasters.

Guild Wars 2 explains the philosophy of Masteries

Players are not getting a level cap bump with Heart of Thorns; the apex of power in Guild Wars 2 will remain Level 80....