
It's not our department.

The Daily Grind: What obligations do studios have to provide a griefing-free MMO environment?

There's some interesting stuff to be unpacked in a recent analysis of Conan Exiles that characterizes it as replete with griefing, racism, sexism, and general unmoderated...
For a given definition of drift.

Worlds Adrift admits early-game PvP griefing is a big problem and vows to address it

In Andrew's hands-on with Worlds Adrift published Monday, he expressed some serious concerns over the title's approach to PvP. Even as a hardened sandbox...

Here’s how Sea of Thieves is addressing brig and respawn griefing

Rare isn't completely oblivious to the griefing going on in Sea of Thieves, even if it probably hoped gamers wouldn't notice so damn much...

Here’s something nobody saw coming, and by nobody we mean everybody: Sea of Thieves griefers are abusing the brig

Did you think Sea of Thieves' patch yesterday, which aimed to address respawn griefing, was going to put an end to players' torment? Yo-ho-ho...

Sea of Thieves’ patch today mops up bugs and addresses respawn griefing

Still arr-ing and ahoy-matey-ing and avast-ye-ing in Sea of Thieves? Today's patch... well, it's a wee one. Rare says it's fixed a bunch of...

Sea of Thieves abandons its planned death tax, focuses on griefing

Don't worry, death-prone pirates: You won't have to pay the piper more than once when you go down to Davy Jones' locker. Some players raised...

The Daily Grind: Is ‘griefing’ possible in an open PvP sandbox?

I was snooping around the Star Citizen Spectrum forums last week when I bumped into a topic that made me back up my snooping...

Interviewing an Asheron’s Call Shard Slayer: On griefing, doxxing, losing mates, and winning MMOs

Last month, I put together an article and pair of videos discussing Asheron's Call's Shard of the Herald event to celebrate the game's first deathiverary....

Pre-teen Fortnite YouTuber gets swatted after achieving a high profile

In one story here we have the best and worst of humanity on display. It all begins with 12-year-old YouTuber Peter Varady, who goes by...

Elite Dangerous community thwarts griefers’ attempt to ruin final in-game voyage of terminally ill player

Elite Dangerous has once again become the battleground between griefers and everybody else, this time with real-life stakes. A few weeks ago, the Elite community...

EVE Online thieves produce propaganda music video, auction off ill-gotten gains

If betrayals, heists, coups d'état, and threats aren't enough to pique your interest in EVE Online's metagame, maybe memes will do the trick. As PCGN...

Raph Koster explains why griefing in virtual reality isn’t going away

Even if you can overlook the expense, the current lack of games, the potential for nausea, and the annoyance of wearing a clamshell on...

Cops-and-robbers sandbox Identity on griefing, prison, customization, and more

Identity is an open-world, cops-and-robbers sandbox, and it isn't asking you for money. That's because it was already Kickstarted to the tune of almost...

Albion Online walks through the mechanics of the Reputation system

The developers of Albion Online want you to murder the heck out of your fellow players, but they also want to make sure that...

Chronicles of Elyria AMA on alpha, middleware, griefing, and B2P

The Chronicles of Elyria team submitted itself to the wilds of an AMA on Reddit earlier this afternoon, allowing players to bombard the developers...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Dark Brotherhood DLC buffs up the group finder

Are you into grouping in The Elder Scrolls Online? Good news for you: ZeniMax says today in a new dev blog that it's focused...

EVE Evolved: Huge PvP battles and corp wars in Citadel

Huge PvP battles have always been a core part of EVE Online's territorial warfare gameplay, with fleets of hundreds or even sometimes thousands of...

Exploring ‘The Video Game Debate’: Moral panic and online griefing

Welcome back to our ongoing exploration of Rachel Kowert and Thorsten Quandt’s book The Video Game Debate. As you can guess, the book itself focuses...

Massively Overthinking: Let’s take the classic Bartle test

Here's something you probably didn't know: Online worlds researcher Dr. Richard Bartle didn't actually write the Bartle test. His original research explored, analyzed, and defined the...

ArcheAge bans blockades, griefers cry about it

Those crazy ArcheAge kids, always mucking up the works! The latest bit of fantasy sandpark drama comes to us courtesy of the game's official...