
Everything old is not new again, but is instead the same.

Choose My Adventure: It’s all the same in Secret World Legends

I was a bit disappointed to see that last week's poll for Secret World Legends went to the Illuminati. I played the Illuminati my...

Wild Terra compensates players for server issues, adds tutorial and dailies

Emerging from a rough stretch of server issues, Wild Terra has apologized to its testers and offered to make it up to them with...

Secret World Legends drops a hefty quality-of-life update with ‘anima allocation’ system

It may not be season two, but today's update might get Secret World Legends' playerbase excited even so. Update 2.1.4 adds plenty of quality-of-life improvements...

Blink and you might have missed Project Gorgon’s brand-new user interface

After weeks if not months of the studio talking about it, Project Gorgon's brand-new user interface finally arrived. And then it promptly left again. In...

One Shots: The party at the end of all things

Do not be alarmed. Your brain is now under our control, but that is a good thing. You no longer have to worry about the...

ArcheAge’s Maesltrom update adds PvP content and open-world raid tool December 6

ArcheAge fans! Trion has a doozy of a patch coming your way next month. Releasing December 6th, the 4.0 update is called Maelstrom and...

Camelot Unchained builds out deathmatch gameplay for Saturday Night Sieges

Last week, Camelot Unchained posted up its big plans for test hoopla, including its Saturday Night Sieges. In CSE's latest newsletter, it outlines its...

Massively Overthinking: Hopes and fears for BlizzCon 2017

Tomorrowday, BlizzCon will be upon us, and this year we're expecting a full reveal of the new expansion for World of Warcraft, still the...

Crowfall shows off new UI windows (and some eye candy for the nerds)

"Boxy and functional" is not usually a compliment unless you want to get slapped or are describing a Volvo. But when it comes to...

Fortnite’s patch today adds mute to voice chat and boosts quest item drop frequency

Fortnite's smallish 1.8.1 update is live today, and probably the most important addition is actually something that helps you delete things from the game:...

ECO drops a massive alpha build with world laws, player contracts, and fishing

It is high time that we check back in with ECO, that multiplayer world ecosystem simulator, because there's some major happenings going on in...

EVE Evolved: The Agency could revolutionise casual PvE in EVE Online

Though EVE Online has a reputation as a cut-throat PvP sandbox where anything goes, the fuel that fires its conflict engine has always been...
All errors should have been ingored

Destiny 2 passes the baton to the live team, outlines future updates

"Right now at Bungie, we’ve passed the development torch from the people that made Destiny 2 to the people who will sustain it." With both...
Here's Mei! You like mei, right?

Overwatch reveals its plans to improve its e-sports viewing experience

Are you a lurker, a spectator, a lookie-loo when it comes to Overwatch? For fans of the game who love to watch matches yet...

Star Trek Online’s secret weapon may be in its episode design

One Gamasutra writer's return to Star Trek Online created a (ahem) discovery that this MMO contains a great wealth of storytelling thanks to its...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 141: Mouse invasions and elf butts

Justin and Bree discuss MMORPG Halloween, Trove, World of Warcraft, EverQuest II, DDO, Life is Feudal, Bless, Destiny 2, and Project Gorgon, with a mailbag question on how and whether we should all be supporting struggling MMOs.

EVE Online launches Lifeblood expansion, now with a new and improved PvE activity hub

Time to update your space spreadsheet because EVE Online is coming at you with a brand-new expansion today. Lifeblood has launched, bringing with it...

Project Gorgon’s huge UI revamp is a ‘major stepping stone’ toward Steam early access

Interface junkies, gather round, especially if you like detailed old-school-inspired MMORPGs, for Project Gorgon has unveiled a detailed tour of its new UI. It's...

The Stream Team: Win a key to play The Black Death’s new Pestilence update

Pus and pestilence -- the perfect combination for a gory Halloween! And The Black Death has it. The Pestilence update that launched today not...

Gigantic launches necro hero and new map in today’s Season of Souls Halloween update

PWE's MOBA Gigantic is going all out for Halloween with a full-scale update, Season of Souls, launching today for PC and Xbox One. You're...