
Leaderboard is a weekly feature in which the Massively Overpowered staff pitch a poll to the readership. [Follow this feature’s RSS feed]

Elder Scrolls Blades exits early access, adds new quests with latest update

It's maybe easy to forget that Elder Scrolls Blades has been in early access, but it has. That's about to end with the release...

Destiny 2 pits its three classes against one another in the Guardian Games event on April 21

The spirit of competition is coming to Destiny 2 and for once it's not about PvP. OK, it will likely involve a bit of...

Leaderboard: Are you giving Fallout 76 a second chance?

Fallout 76 has not had the best couple of years. As MOP's Justin said in his column rounding up Bethsoft's worst flubs - and...

The MOP Up: Elder Scrolls Online’s daughter of giants

The countdown is on for Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor. One of the characters that you will bump into in Skyrim is Lyris Titanborn, a...

LOTRO Legendarium: Breaking down LOTRO’s 2020 producer letter

It may be a month or two overdue, but the producer's letter for Lord of the Rings Online finally arrived this week. While we...

Satan has planted the most trees in Gamigo’s charity initiative so far

Last week, Gamigo announced a charity event to benefit Eden Reforestation Projects, selling packages that offer in-game items for MMOs like ArcheAge, RIFT, and...

Desert Oasis: A guide to getting started with Black Desert’s lifeskill system

For pretty much all of my MMO-gaming career, I avoided anything involving crafting, gathering, and cooking. If the problem can't be solved with a...

ArcheAge, RIFT, Trove, and more Gamigo MMOs launch a reforestation charity initiative

Gamigo is announcing a big charity project today with Eden Reforestation Projects, which will raise money to plant trees all over the world while...

Desert Oasis: How Pearl Abyss can guarantee Shadow Arena succeeds

Hands down, Shadow Arena is my favorite battle royale. But just because I've written so many glowing words of accolades for the game does...

Leaderboard: Are you still interested in Amazon’s New World, knowing it won’t be reverting to a FFA PvP MMO?

There's been a big ol' ruckus about New World across Reddit the last day or two, ever since the closed alpha resumed. You know...

Leaderboard: Four months after the Blitzchung Hong Kong mess, are you still boycotting Blizzard?

MOP reader Pepperzine recently dropped us an email about Blizzard that we've put off until today very intentionally. Why? Because tomorrow, Activision-Blizzard releases its...
Cool, cool cool cool.

Leaderboard: Have you ever failed MMO events on purpose – like for roleplaying’s sake?

Earlier this week, MOP's Sam Kash came into the MOP writing room cracking up over a thread on the Guild Wars 2 subreddit and...

Leaderboard: What would you want to see out of a new Star Wars MMO?

Rumors have been swirling this week about expansions to the Star Wars universe that could be a big deal for gaming. According to multiple...
Paws for impact.

Massively Overthinking: The best MMOs of the decade

A few years back, we did a cheeky Massively Overthinking about our five favorite MMORPGs of all time. It was quite a potent list...

Leaderboard: What’s the most vulnerable Daybreak MMO in 2020?

It's become a bit of an unhappy tradition here on MOP to take stock of Daybreak at the start of every year, due in...

Leaderboard: What was the best new MMO or online game of 2019?

Let's be honest: The last time a brand-new MMORPG really deserved a GOTY was when Black Desert ran away with it. This is why...
Hold your breath and count to ten, fall apart, start again.

Leaderboard: Are you onboard with the online gaming industry’s new take on sequels?

Overwatch 2 and Path of Exile 2 being announced in such close proximity, plus rumors of an Anthem reboot in the weeks and the...

The best Massively OP community polls of 2019

Time for another annual tradition here on Massively OP: the counting of the polls! Yes, we run a bunch of polls in our irregular...

Leaderboard: What’s the best classic MMORPG still running at the end of 2019?

We've noted before that while our awards are pretty good at identifying the big modern MMORPGs and the indie gems, it's much harder to...

Leaderboard: What was the most overrated MMO of 2019?

Yeah, this is always a fun one. We've been running an award for the most underrated MMO for years now, and we've tried to...