
The Stream Team: The headstart launch of Secret World Legends

Secret World Legends' NDA has finally dropped -- probably because it has just launched its headstart for The Secret World owners! And as a...
what wait what

Seattle police officer uses a Destiny livestream to discuss a controversial shooting death

Let's see if you can follow the chain of logic here. Police officers in Seattle shoot and kill a alleged burglary victim, resulting in...

Secret World Legends’ headstart launches today

Pack up your stuff, The Secret World fans: It's movin' day, at least if you don't care about playing on Steam, as Secret Worlds Legends'...

Lord of the Rings Online: Mordor reveals key expansion details

The cat is out of the bag, and this year's Lord of the Rings Online expansion into the long-awaited country of Mordor is going...
Why are you fighting me? Because I'm a freaking dinosaur.

Trove’s Megalithic update lands on PS4 and Xbox One June 27

Way back in April, Trion teased a "mega" 2017 update for Trove intended to bring the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of the game...

The Stream Team: Launching into Master X Master

MxM has officially launched, and Massively OP's MJ is diving back into the fray! Of course, now that all alphas and betas are over,...

Chaos Theory: Guide to The Secret World’s Templars faction

It's Templar Time! After looking at the Illuminati and delving into the Dragon, it's now time to tie up this trio of guides and...

The Stream Team: Starting summer off with a bang (and giveaway) in Star Trek Online’s Lohlunat festival

How do youbneat the heat of the summer solstice? In space! Massively OP's MJ is celebrating the start of summer by dipping into Star...

Blizzard partners with Twitch for tourney coverage, gives away free Overwatch loot boxes

Two of gaming's forces are partnering up, at least for the next year or so, and players might come out on top of the...
On the go.

Black Desert awakens the Striker, doubles karma loss for gankers

Awakening this morning in Black Desert is the still-relatively-new-to-the-West Striker class. "The Striker reaches a new level of mastery over the martial arts, gaining...

The Stream Team: Sizing up EverQuest II’s solo Proving Grounds

EverQuest II's Proving Grounds proved to be pretty difficult (as well as littered with bugs!). Even finding a full group was pretty challenging! With...

Amazon’s Breakaway revamps warriors, confirms more upgrades on the way

Last September, the internet was buzzing about Amazon Game Studios' big reveals, including Breakaway, which the company teased for weeks ahead of time. It...

The Stream Team: Baby Warden’s first steps in Elder Scrolls Online’s Morrowind

When Massively OP's MJ started her Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind adventures, she couldn't help but explore the new land. There are many interesting sights...

The Stream Team: Starting Season 2 of Guardians of the Galaxy: A Telltale Series

It's back! The Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series has launched Episode Two, and that means Massively OP's MJ is back with another...

Conan Exiles demos climbing and experience-driven exploration

Funcom Lead Designer Oscar Lopez Lacalle and Community Manager Jens Erik Vaaler helmed an E3 recap livestream for Conan Exiles on Friday, and if...

The Stream Team: More Ashfall adventures in AQ3D

What's a few dragons among friends? Massively OP's MJ has been poking around AQ3D's Ashfall and taking in the sites -- those sites being...

The Stream Team: Test driving ARK’s latest dinos

Are your old dinos looking a bit worse for wear? Are you in the market for a new one or two? Come on down...

The Stream Team: Slaying the Conan Exiles lag monster

There are many dangers in Conan Exiles waiting to kill Massively OP's MJ, but hopefully the lag monster is no longer one of them!...

The Stream Team: Dungeon diving in SMITE’s newest adventure, Trials of King Hercules

This year SMITE has been all about offering varied new adventures for players to partake in when not engaged in lane fighting. The most...

Next week’s Hellion patch adds female toons and a tutorial

Multiplayer sci-fi survival sandbox Hellion is getting a big update next week. Zero Gravity is calling it the "biggest update" to the game since...