
And it's gone.

Choose My MOBA: LoL vs. Dota 2 vs. SMITE

A while back I became a fledgling MOBA fan thanks to Infinite Crisis. Unfortunately for me, Turbine decided to kill its DC universe battler...
I'm not back on any BS, I never left it.

Perfect Ten: Why big MMO expansions are a good thing

I'm not really on board with the trend of saying that big expansions are back. They never left. Sure, we have one coming out...

Massively OP’s first impressions of Devilian

Call my stance on Trion World's upcoming Devilian "oh-so-cautiously interested." Personally, I think Trion invited more grief than it wanted with the importation of ArcheAge to...

Not So Massively: Martin Shkreli slammed in e-sports; Star Citizen legal letter revealed

Online gaming and e-sports are getting bigger by the day, and there are literally hundreds of popular online games out there that don’t really...

Albion upgrades its private islands, talks map-making

Albion Online released a couple of dev updates this week. The first focused on private islands, and more specifically, how you can upgrade the...

Chaos Theory: Small steps – The Secret World’s progress

It's certainly been a week of expansion news! More than one game that had sworn off expansions in the past has circled back to...

PlanetSide 2 may give players a continent to settle

The future of PlanetSide 2 is racing toward the community at a rapid pace according to a new developer Q&A that was hosted on Reddit yesterday. One...

Exploring RIFT 3.4: Into the Wilds with Trion Worlds

Coming "really, really soon" to RIFT is the MMO's fourth major update of the year, Into the Wilds. Patch 3.4 is so big, in fact,...

Not So Massively: For the King’s Kickstarter, Hearthstone’s match controversy

Online gaming and e-sports are getting bigger by the day, and there are literally hundreds of popular online games out there that don't really...

Talking to Cryptic about Neverwinter’s new Stronghold PvP

We're on the horn with Cryptic Lead Designer Scott Shicoff and Senior Content Designer John Hopler to talk about Neverwinter's brand-new Stronghold siege PvP...

Host your own sandbox with Wurm Unlimited on Steam

Code Club has just announced a new phase in development for fantasy sandbox Wurm Online: Wurm Unlimited. Arriving on Steam on October 21st, Wurm Unlimited "allows...
Kyle, the deal is this - I used to think that my job was making sure a very specific sort of ship didn't get past orbit. And that was my job, and I did it. And then one day? They told me that it wasn't important any more, and that those ships could land, and no one had wanted them shot down for a very long time. And you know what, Kyle? It turns out - and I'm as surprised as anyone - that I just really, really like shooting down spaceships. So now I'm freelance.

Tribes: Ascend test server rewrites classes in a major way

Tribes: Ascend is getting updates again, with the first update hitting the test server soon. So what are you expecting? A bit of balance...

PAX Prime 2015: Don’t hate me because I don’t like Gigantic

If you've not heard of the game Gigantic, then I'm going to have to ask where you've been because Motiga's cross between a MOBA...

Not So Massively: HOTS’ ranking woes, LoL’s server move problems

League of Legends finished setting up its new North American server in Chicago, reducing ping times for east coast players but dramatically increasing them...

PAX Prime 2015: Guns of Icarus breaks ‘preconceived notions’ of naval combat simulation

There are always some games that you look at and think that it would be great to try when you have the time. My...

Crowfall’s combat testing moves to the ‘Hunger Dome’

ArtCraft has created a "greybox environment" called the Hunger Dome for Crowfall's pre-alpha combat testing. The aim is to make the testing more fun...

The next Guild Wars 2 expansion beta starts on Sept. 4

Guild Wars 2's second Heart of Thorns beta weekend event starts on September 4th at 3:00 p.m. EDT. ArenaNet's Colin Johanson says that the weekend...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Am I the only one who doesn’t enjoy Guild Wars 2 datamining?

I know, I know: Solid information about Heart of Thorns is coming really slowly from the Guild Wars 2 PR machine, making for a...

Diablo III patch adds new zone and the powerful Kanai’s Cube

Diablo III players, your journey is not yet complete. Today, Blizzard released the game's 2.3.0 patch, giving adventurers more territory to explore and goals...

Not So Massively: Path of Exile’s crafting scandal; Sins of a Dark Age’s sunset

This week in Not So Massively games, League of Legends players revealed a reproducible exploit that causes skillshot projectiles to become invisible and may...