Official Site: Marvel Heroes
Studio: Gazillion Entertainment
Launch Date: June 4, 2013
Sunset Date: November 27, 2017
Genre: Superhero MMOARPG
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC
marvel heroes
Marvel Heroes the angelic assassin Angela and never-melting ice cream bars
As was foretold by the stars and prophets of old -- as well as Gazillion's developers -- Thor's sister Angela has joined the cast...
The Stream Team: Marvel Heroes’ story gets level scaling
One of the saddest things for MassivelyOP's MJ in Marvel Heroes was the fact that friends of different levels couldn't really join her on...
One Shots: Swords and other pointy things
What are swords good for? For one thing, they make excellent pointers, communicating to your audience that this thing over here is what you're...
The Stream Team: Giving Marvel Heroes’ Green Goblin a go
When it came time for MassivelyOP's MJ to decide on a Marvel Heroes character with her free hero box, she had a pretty tough...
Marvel Heroes’s 59th character will be Thor’s sister Angela
Siblings can be a pain in the tuckus or a best friend (or both!). Thor is about to find out which it is, as...
Marvel Heroes’ dynamic combat scaling is live now
Dynamic combat scaling is live today in Marvel Heroes, affecting enemies and zones in both story mode and challenge mode.
The game launched with fixed...
The MOP Up: Elder Scrolls Online’s Cradle of Shadows (July 31, 2016)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Grab a freebie Marvel Heroes hero box from Gazillion and MOP [All gone!]
Did you get a freebie hero last weekend for logging into Marvel Heroes? Me too. The game boasts 58 playable characters so far, and I've...
The Daily Grind: Should MMOs churn out new classes on a regular basis?
I continue to be impressed and occasionally bewildered by how Marvel Heroes keeps releasing new classes into the game, sometimes as frequently as every...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 75: Future oracles
Justin and Bree discuss WoW, Guild Wars 2, Shards Online, LOTRO & DDO, FFXIV, Black Desert, and more, with a mailbag question on boosting GW2 characters.
The Stream Team: Preparing Storm for Marvel Heroes’ Cosmic Midtown
For the most part, MassivelyOP's MJ just loves going into Marvel Heroes and blasting things with her super powers and reveling in the loot...
PSA: Get a free Marvel Heroes costume and character this weekend
Psst! Hey buddy! You want something for nothing? Sure you do. All you have to do is log onto Marvel Heroes this weekend and...
Guild Wars 2’s male player Charr is getting a new voice actor
One of the reasons I love my Charr so much in Guild Wars 2 is that her voice actress kicks ass with what is...
Marvel Heroes loses one CM but regains another
Break out the hankies and wave them majestically as one of Marvel Heroes' leads embarks on a one-way journey out of the office.
Creative Designer and Community...
Marvel Heroes interview covers the many forms of Ultron
Oh sure, Ultron might be this world-domineering robot with an evil bent, but... look at him! He's just so dang chipper about it that...
Marvel Heroes adds playable Ultron, extends anniversary event through July 4 holiday
Marvel Heroes's big patch today was meant to conclude the game's anniversary event, but Gazillion is extending the festivities through the 4th of July...
Marvel Heroes pulls out all of the stops in its third anniversary finale
Hopefully you haven't missed out on Marvel Heroes' incredible third anniversary event that's been raging across the game all month. In addition to giving...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 70: E to the three
Justin and Bree discuss E3, STO, ESO One Tamriel, GW2, UO, Sea of Thieves, Dual Universe, WoW, Marvel Heroes, Camelot Unchained, and four sunsets, with mailbag questions on gameplay tension and MH team-ups.
The Stream Team: More Marvel Heroes Monday mayhem
Not having Marvel Heroes to play during her move has felt like real punishment to MassivelyOP's MJ. True torture! Thankfully, that is over, and...
Marvel Heroes will introduce level scaling this month
Gazillion announced today that level scaling is finally on the way for Marvel Heroes.
"Dynamic Combat Level scales the difficulty of the game, based on...