Official Site: Marvel Heroes
Studio: Gazillion Entertainment
Launch Date: June 4, 2013
Sunset Date: November 27, 2017
Genre: Superhero MMOARPG
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC
marvel heroes
The Stream Team: Storm’s final steps to 60 in Marvel Heroes
It seems like level 60 is always just out of reach for poor Storm in Marvel Heroes; Massively OP's MJ keeps getting distracted by...
Massively Overthinking: Just how massive is massively multiplayer?
Recent tweaks to the taxonomy structure of Massively OP and coverage of what we formerly called "Not-So-Massive" games prompted a resurgence of internal discussion about the types...
Marvel Heroes starts selling Advance Pack 3 and 1602-era costumes
What, did you think that Marvel Heroes was going to take it easy and not churn out another small army of superheroes this year?...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 46: The high price of VR
Justin and Bree discuss the Oculus Rift's pricetag, Marvel Heroes' David Brevik, Divergence Online, Smed on emus, and TUG, with mailbag questions on tstories, MOBAs, and skill trees.
Massively OP’s guide to choosing an online ARPG
Bored of MMOs, despondent about the industry, or simply looking for something a little different? Turning to something similar to MMOs, yet offering a new...
David Brevik’s new company is Graybeard Games; expect an RPG
During a stream of Marvel Heroes led by his wife last night, former Gazillion CEO David Brevik announced that his new company is called...
Marvel Heroes’ David Brevik has resigned
VentureBeat is reporting that Gazillion CEO and Marvel Heroes front-man David Brevik has left the company. Interim CEO Dave Dohrmann described the departure as...
Massively Overthinking: The MMO with the brightest future
Imagine you have a friend who wants to play an MMO but doesn't want to get involved in a game that's in decline or...
PSA: Get your free Marvel Heroes character tomorrow!
Marvel Heroes is about ready to wrap up its 14 Days of Festive Favors, and the game has saved the best for last. On...
The Stream Team: Doing the Marvel Heroes Danger Room
Marvel Heroes has gone and done it now: MassivelyOPs' MJ just can't stop singing "I went to the Danger Room!" Maybe once she finally...
MMO Year in Review: Smed & Smart (July 2015)
This year, we're taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we head...
Log into Marvel Heroes and get free stuff over Christmas
Marvel Heroes is no stranger to rocking a Christmas event, and this year's is going to last 14 days. Starting today, you can log...
Massively Overthinking: The next big Star Wars MMORPG
In honor of Star Wars week (and rumors that EA is working on another Star Wars game), let's talk Star Wars MMOs.
Star Wars Galaxies...
Marvel Heroes introduces the ‘flashy’ Iron Fist
Marvel Heroes' 54th and final hero of the year, Iron Fist, will be making his way to the live servers later this week, voiced...
Perfect Ten: The 10 best free-to-play MMORPGs
You know one of the reasons I like writing this column? Because one of these days I'm going to be able to make a...
Marvel Heroes launches the Danger Room feature
In the comics, the Danger Room is the aptly named training facility for the X-Men, a room which is dangerous so that the superheroes...
Massively OP’s Best of 2015 Awards: MMO Studio of the Year
Massively OP's end-of-the-year awards continue today with our award for the best MMO studio of the year.
Last year's award was won by SOE, you'll recall, a...
Massively OP’s Best of 2015 Awards: Most Improved MMO
Massively OP's end-of-the-year awards continue today with our award for the most improved MMO of 2015.
All MMOs, regardless of release date, were eligible for this award,...
The Daily Grind: What MMOs would you recommend to others?
One of the most common questions I see floated out on Reddit, forums, and Twitter in relation to MMOs is, "What should I play?"...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 41: Trove talk
Justin and Bree discuss GW2 PvP, RIFT, Path of Exile, SWTOR, The Secret World, Marvel Heroes, and LOTRO, plus mailbag questions on Blade & Soul localization and a chat with Trove's lead dev.