missing worlds media

See: City of Titans


City of Titans on endgame, alting, PvP, business models, lockboxes, and whales

The first and most-backed City of Heroes successor City of Titans has a couple of dev pieces out this month answering questions posed to...

City of Titans blasts enemies with funky dance moves

Anyone remember that old console game Moonwalker? You played as the late Michael Jackson who would use his suave moves to defeat enemies. But...

City of Titans drops some Scorpion lore

Only part of becoming a successful superhero is mastering your abilities and pulling off a spandex outfit in public. Another key part is knowing...
Be here now.

City of Titans lets you call the shots with your powers

Are you ready to handle the awesome responsibility of being able to make your own powers? City of Titans thinks so, which is why...

City of Titans pontificates on the importance of snug spandex, hints at coming ‘brand makeover’

In the cult classic 1995 film Hackers, one of the characters remarked that "spandex is a privilege, not a right." And how true that...

Meet City of Titans’ six heroic archetypes

Thanks to some website spring cleaning, City of Titans made a previously hidden article visible to the masses. This particular page outlines the upcoming...

Here’s why everyone’s pissed off about City of Heroes NPCs in NCsoft’s MOBA

Yesterday, NCsoft took the lid off a secret it's clearly been working on for a while: The company means to introduce a notorious and...

City of Titans wants to take you downtown

What would a superhero MMO look like if it took place in a small town where the tallest building was only three stories? We'll...
It's a blueprint. Albeit not very blue.

City of Titans shows off the creations of the Builder

Making a city is hard work. This is true even if you're working on City of Titans and your main focus is upon making...
It looks much better now.

City of Titans offers up some meaty setting fiction

The police in City of Titans have a rough road to walk. They're dealing with organized crime and the usual thousand vices and harms...

Ship of Heroes’ character customization already looks amazing

If you're a superhero fan who loves hair -- and you probably are, if our City of Titans commenters yesterday are any guide --...

Heroes and Villains explains its goals for seamless zoning

Heroes and Villains was one chunk of the original trifecta of superhero MMORPGs that sprang from the grave of City of Heroes, but it's...

We’re gonna have gorgeous hair in City of Titans

A few weeks ago, the Massively OP writers were hanging in the news room on a tear about mohawks. We're not against mohawks. Mohawks...

City of Titans makes Santa dance to demo environments and animations

I admit that when I first saw this City of Titans video, I thought it was just a cutesy Christmas card. But nope --...

City of Titans looks at the Five Dragons gang

Superhero games aren't much fun without villains to beat up, and in a superhero MMO, there needs to be a lot of those. City...

The Daily Grind: Which City of Heroes spiritual successor are you rooting for?

I was a tiny bit flabbergasted last weekend when I saw that there was yet another City of Heroes spiritual successor project in the...

City of Titans lays out its ‘huge’ metropolis map

As the City of Titans team picks up steam in anticipation for the game's fall 2018 launch window, there are some tough choices to...
It looks much better now.

City of Titans targets a fall 2018 launch

City of Titans fans, we have some really good news for you today! The dev team posted an image on Facebook to announce the...
It looks much better now.

Go. Hunt. Kill Rooks: City of Titans unveils its latest enemy group

Anyone who has played the game that inspired City of Titans knows that they will play with a very straightforward objective: Go. Hunt. Kill......

City of Titans puts on costumes for Halloween

Just in time for the most costume-friendly holiday of the year, Missing Worlds Media has a new video and post to show off some...