
A world of disappointments.

Activision Blizzard’s CFO is ousted and appears to be getting hired by Netflix

It's a new year, but we've still got some last vestiges of last year's corporate ongoings to close out the events of 2018. Isn't...

Crowfall’s latest stream is all about the art of cooking

Sure, fighting in large-scale PvP is fun, but have you considered focusing on cooking instead? The latest Crowfall livestream was all about the art...
cat, i'm a kitty cat, and i dance dance dance and i dance dance dance

Final Fantasy XI prepares for the new year with a new version update and a promotional campaign

The new year approaches for Final Fantasy XI, and with it approaches another monthly update for the game. This is the first in what...
It's a garden, that's like flowers.

Final Fantasy XIV shows off fan-designed furnishings in patch 4.5

The Final Fantasy XIV community was asked to provide some new furnishings for the game back during the appropriately named furniture design contest. Now...
This is where you end with your games that require mods. Forever recall this.

Fallout 76 asks banned players to submit a 500-word essay on why cheating is wrong

So we all know that Fallout 76 is a buggy mess by this point, which means that until it becomes not a buggy mess,...
Stop being a JERK.

Overwatch semi-pro finals will require chat participants to link their accounts

Gosh, it's really hard to get people to stop being screaming monsters on Twitch chat, huh? Blizzard has been dealing with this problem with...

Final Fantasy XIV promises this year’s Heavensturn will boar you

It's just about time for Final Fantasy XIV's annual new year celebration, and this year is going to be a real boar. It's going...
Technically this is sort of a BDO thing, but they don't treat race like it'a separate thing, so whatever.

Black Desert Online’s Let it Snow event gets you free treasure for just staying logged in

Don't you hate when events expect you to actually do things to earn rewards? Black Desert Online's newest event has you covered. Here's how...
It brewing

Ashes of Creation: Apocalypse is down until specialized test weekend in January

We hope you had fun playing what was evidently the initial testing period of Ashes of Creation: Apocalypse. It was a good testing phase...
oh noes a bitey scratchus

Blizzard’s corporate culture is becoming much more cost-focused with stronger Activision influence

Let's start with the good news here. According to the most recent article covering Blizzard's ongoing corporate culture shifts on Kotaku, the studio's shifts...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 202: The all-mailbag show

Justin and Bree pore over the mail bag to answer questions on WoW, the state of MOP, future columns, favorite MMO music, MMO communities, lockbox RNG, MMO sunsets, open dungeons, and LitRPG.

Sea of Thieves reflects on 2018 in final developer update of the year

The final Sea of Thieves developer update of 2018 has arrived, and just like every other studio at this time of year, Rare is...

The MOP Up: Hytale takes a deeper approach to the Minecraft genre

Have you heard of Hytale? If you're a fan of the Trove or Minecraft school of sandbox design, then it definitely bears further investigation....
Yes please.

Betawatch: Crowfall’s test campaigns have arrived, City of Titans delays Issue 0

Good news, Crowfall fans, the first full campaign patch is here! Of course, this is just a test campaign; the first sanctioned campaign (which is...

Ankama introduces massive content updates to Wakfu and Dofus

The folks at French studio Ankama Games have been hard at work, and they've recently released major updates for their flagship MMOs Wakfu and...

Blizzard details new HOTS cadence, shames toxic Overwatch pros, and pays over 100 Irish staff to leave

Despite the recent news from Blizzard that Heroes of the Storm's development cadence is being scaled back, with some of its developers being shifted...

CCP announces event schedule for 2019’s EVE Online World Tour

Not satisfied with their massive yearly Fanfests, the folks at CCP Games are taking EVE on a world tour, and they've just announced the...

Crowfall muses on lessons learned from first test campaigns

Earlier this week, Crowfall began its first ever proper campaigns, allowing players to fight it out in a three-faction brawl for survival and control...

FBI seizes 15 different websites hiring out DDoS services

Isn't it awesome that you can go to a website, pay some money (or Bitcoin, of course this would take Bitcoin), and then have...
laugh, then laugh again

Artifact patches in balance, skill rating, and account leveling… which, yes, means free tickets and packs

When it first launched, Artifact promised that it would "reimagine" the online card game market in a game with cards only bought for real money,...