

The Daily Grind: How invested are you in MMORPG crafting (as opposed to just non-combat content)?

I'm going to let you in on a little secret: A lot of the people you see in an MMORPG who are into crafting...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 502: Chronicling all the non-combat content in MMOs

Justin and Bree host the first MMO theme show of 2025 with a deep-dive into the wide range of non-combat content in our genre, plus adventures in LOTRO, WoW Classic, Stars Reach, and Aloft.

Cozy Grove studio continues hiring for upcoming ‘non-violent’ MMO, suggests mobile and PC/console play

Back in January, we covered a tiny announcement from games developer Spry Fox. It's a studio best known for Road Not Taken and a...

Road Not Taken developer Spry Fox is hiring for a new ‘non-violent’ MMO

A while back on Twitter I mentioned that my family is big into Alphabear, which is not an MMO, of course, but instead is...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO offers the best non-combat PvP?

PvP is about more than just getting into the dirt with your opponent and seeing who drops first. Sure, it frequently is exactly that, and...
Sometimes the game hates you trying to understand it.

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite non-combat ability in an MMO?

Combat abilities in MMOs are big, flashy, and usually leave a mangled corpse. That's why they're there. But sometimes you wind up with non-combat...
It was real, Justin.

The Game Archaeologist: Seed

Seed is a game that I thought I must have dreamed up at some point. Do you ever have that happen? For years I...

The Daily Grind: Are you excited for Wander?

Wander kind of surprised me. I've been aware of it for some time, but due to its lack of a launch date and my year-long MMO...

Explorer-centric Wander launches June 4th with new Hira form

Explorers rejoice! On June 4th, those who revel in the non-combat aspects of MMOs will be able to meander aimlessly through the wilds of...
Very respectful

Leaderboard: Would you play an MMO with no combat?

Recently Worlds Factory published a piece about Wander subtitled "combat isn't the only way." After I finished pumping my fist and saying hell yeah...

The Daily Grind: What’s the last non-combat activity you did in an MMO?

It's no secret that today's MMOs focus almost exclusively on combat. Oh sure, some of them have rudimentary crafting, trading, and housing minigames, but...

Mage Faire Online conjures a conflict-free creative playground

Had enough of combat in MMOs? Are you looking to express yourself... magically? Then you might want to take a peek at Mage Faire...

Non-combat sandbox Wander reveals new video

Remember Wander, the unique, upcoming sandbox that eschews combat for exploration? Creator Loki Davison has posted a new video for the game today along...