
Opinion pieces are by definition neither neutral nor subjective. Massively Overpowered’s writers’ editorials reflect their own opinions, not necessarily the opinions of the site or company.

This, uh. This was a thing.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 281: A Steamy summer

Justin and Bree discuss SWTOR and Wurm Online launching on Steam, FFXIV's 5.3 patch, Phantasy Star Online 2's New Genesis, the Fable MMO rumor, Valiance Online, and Elder Scrolls Online on Stadia, with adventures in LOTRO, SWG Legends, and WoW, plus a mailbag topic on FFXIV's unskippable dungeons.

Flameseeker Chronicles: First Impressions of Guild Wars 2’s Jormag Rising, live today

Just two short months ago, Guild Wars 2 introduced us to the Drizzlewood Coast, flashpoint of the civil war between the Charr United Legions...

Choose My Adventure: How Dungeons and Dragons Online became my new favorite MMO

Week after week in this round of Choose My Adventure, I've been finding little things to love about Dungeons and Dragons Online and this...

The Daily Grind: Do you try to become ‘rich’ in MMORPGs?

Let's talk about money! Pretend money in video games, that is. I've been thinking about this a bit lately since realizing that I use...

Fight or Kite: Return of the PvP in Star Wars The Old Republic

With the launch of SWTOR on Steam this week (and totally, completely, not a beautiful coincidence), I finally reclaimed my account and rejoined the...

Wisdom of Nym: Everything we learned in Final Fantasy XIV’s 5.3 live letter

It's not exactly a secret to people who follow my presence on various feeds that I'm not doing great right now emotionally, but the...

The Daily Grind: Do you share any craft skills with your favorite MMO toon?

I've heard of folks out there who intentionally pick crafts in MMOs because they're already experts at them - like the real-world politician who...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO activities are like a security blanket for you?

Sometimes you just want something in an MMO that feels like chopping wood. It's productive, it's engaging enough that you don't dislike it, and...

Global Chat: Your complete LOTRO wedding guide

Is your mind whirling with all of the things to do with Lord of the Rings Online's new Midsummer Festival and the associated wedding...

The Daily Grind: If you had to start over with a new MMO account, what would you miss most?

Over the past month, I've been chronicling how I started adventuring on a brand-new World of Warcraft account after gifting my old one to...

LOTRO Legendarium: What we have here is a failure to communicate

If this year has taught us anything, it's that clear and boosted communication is vital to handling a crisis. Having information and a message...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever felt robbed in an MMO?

The title of this Daily Grind can go in a lot of directions, can't it? We could be talking here about an actual thief...
Let the dead bury their dead, they will come out in droves.

Massively Overthinking: Contemplating the never-ending summer of not-E3

A couple of weeks back, I was reading a piece on RPS that jokingly lamented the way the game reveals of this summer have...

Desert Oasis: Black Desert’s outlook in the lead-up to Crimson Desert

I've played nothing but the Black Desert season servers in the last month. It's such a fresh breath of air, and it's something I...
Sky sky sky

Vague Patch Notes: No Man’s Sky is the real reboot success story

Whenever an MMO of any type has a launch that resembles the Nedelin catastrophe, people start talking about what the studio should do to...
The stuff that you have, does someone have a claim on it?

The Daily Grind: Would you ever consider multiboxing in an MMO?

If you've ever read Bannable Offenses, a Final Fantasy XI comedy blog, you may remember when the blog's supposed writer took control of the...

Perfect Ten: Ten reasons Fallout 76 is good, actually

Here's the thing about criticism: It isn't mutually exclusive with appreciation. You can like something that you also criticize -- and your head won't...

The Daily Grind: What were some of the most memorable MMO outages?

This past week, many Lord of the Rings Online players impatiently nibbled on lembas bread and took to Reddit as several of the North...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 280: Middle-earth practices social distancing

Justin and Bree discuss Funcom, Guild Wars 2, LOTRO, Nexon, No Man's Sky, and Skull and Bones, with adventures in LOTRO, Hearthstone, and WoW, plus mailbag topics on fidelity to artistic vision and phasing vs. immersion.

Choose My Adventure: Accidentally going to Hell and other Dungeons and Dragons Online misadventures

I’m only level 3 and already Dungeons and Dragons Online has elected to whup my ass. By the barest margin, the polls said to pick...