
Opinion pieces are by definition neither neutral nor subjective. Massively Overpowered’s writers’ editorials reflect their own opinions, not necessarily the opinions of the site or company.

Not hard puzzles, no, but still.

The Daily Grind: Are puzzles in MMOs a good thing?

I have a mixed relationship with puzzles in MMOs, because they can easily be a huge distraction from a game that's otherwise proving to...

A deep-dive into MMORPG housing: RIFT vs. WildStar

If you took a casual poll of the MMO community and asked which game's player housing system was the best and most robust, chances...

The Daily Grind: What original IP MMORPG deserves a true sequel?

One repeated refrain that comes up around the Massively OP office when we're dealing with older MMOs is, "Wouldn't it be great if they...

EverQuesting: Five EverQuest II features you may have forgotten

Use it or lose it. I may have learned that little gem in relation to skills and talents, but it applies to the world...
Just absolute galaxy brain

WoW Factor: Assessing WoW after two weeks of Legion

All right, so it's actually closer to a week and a half. I'm torn between an eye-rolling "it's only been a week and a...

Elite Dangerous polls players about controversial ship transfer time

One of the upcoming features for Elite Dangerous is the ability to more easily switch between your ships, which sounds like nothing but a...
Let's all work together to be kind of miserable.

The Daily Grind: What’s your take on Dual Universe’s subscription model?

If you read Dual Universe's Kickstarter from beginning to end, you probably noticed this section about the game's planned business model: "You won't have to...

Massively Overthinking: What’s the worst MMORPG for duos?

Massively OP reader Styopa recently wrote in to us to propose that we write about the best MMORPGs for duoing. I was all set...

DragonCon 2016: Mark Jacobs on trolls, subscriptions, and Camelot Unchained

There's so much to see and do at DragonCon that you can't possibly fit it all in. With actors, authors, game developers, cosplayers, and...

Perfect Ten: Comparing Druids across MMORPGs

If I asked you what a Mage is in an MMORPG, what would you say? Some cloth-wearing gal who lugs around a long staff and flings...

Crowfall Q&A sheds light on the soft launch and the feedback process

In its Q&A session for the month of September, Crowfall Design Lead Thomas Blair and Creative Director Todd Coleman celebrate a whole year of...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s bonus chapter wins because of story

As threatened, the Shroud is back and like you’ve never seen him before. Seriously, you’ve never seen the Shroud like this. Star Wars: The...

The Daily Grind: Do low-budget imported MMOs have a place in the current market?

The sad news about Asta and ELOA's upcoming closure prompted a musing from longtime commenter GreaterDivinity regarding the import-run-close model that has long been...

Jukebox Heroes: The best of WildStar’s soundtrack

I can't tell you how good it does my soul to see that WildStar has finally released an official soundtrack -- two, in fact,...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Thoughts on Guild Wars 2’s Ring of Fire episode reveal

We've been promised a whole list of newness for Episode 2 of Guild Wars 2's latest Living World season, which will be with us by...

The Daily Grind: What hurts your MMO immersion?

I am more than OK with the knowledge that there are thousands of other world-saving chosen ones in my MMORPGs, probably because it takes...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 81: For Azeroth!

Justin and Eliot compare notes about their first week in World of Warcraft: Legion.

Comparing American and Japanese Pokemon Go culture

My previous article on the culture of Japan's Pokemon Go scene was written before I'd experienced much of the American one to keep my explanations...

The Daily Grind: What do you want out of Guild Wars 2’s next expansion?

It's no secret that ArenaNet is working on Guild Wars 2's expansion. What is secret is what exactly is in it. I don't want to...
Myth: Lalafell have to be irritating cutesy-boop piles of crap.

Wisdom of Nym: Myths and misconceptions about Final Fantasy XIV

One of my favorite parts of the Transformers Wiki - which is already wonderful - is the myths and misconceptions page. It's really well...