paragon chat

MassivelyOP’s guide to MMO Halloween 2018

Whether or not you consider yourself too old to put on that Hulk or Sparkle Twilight costume and prance ("HULK PRANCE") around the neighborhood...

Halloween 2018 is live in City of Heroes map emu Paragon Chat ahead of October 20 party

Who says ya can't have holidays in a dead MMO? You can get your Halloween on in City of Heroes right now - or...
Cool times.

Paragon Chat now features City of Heroes supergroup base building, complete with import

If you're wondering what that sound is echoing over the horizon, it's just every City of Heroes fan freaking out about the return of...

The Stream Team: Partying in Paragon Chat to celebrate City of Heroes’ anniversary

Celebration might not be quite the right word to use when referring to the City of Heroes anniversary, but that doesn't mean fans don't...

Here’s how to Celebrate City of Heroes’ 14th anniversary in Paragon Chat today

If you're feeling the burning desire to reminisce in City of Heroes and hang out with other people who understand why it was so...

The Daily Grind: Are fan emulators of dead MMOs worth developing?

As an amateur historian and an MMORPG enthusiast, I generally applaud efforts by the community to resurrect, preserve, and even reboot sunsetted games. While...
Community organization is painful.

Halloween events across the MMORPG verse, 2017 edition

Hey, you. Yeah, you, dude leeching candy from the bucket you bought "for the neighborhood kids." And you, lady still trying to decide between...

City of Heroes’ Paragon Chat is getting its own player-run Halloween contests, missions, and music

Just because City of Heroes is gone doesn't mean that you can't have Halloween events for the game. It sort of does remove most...
Give me your tired, your hungry, your stuff.

City of Heroes fans party hard for the game’s 13th birthday

Last Friday evening, the torch was raised once again for City of Heroes. Despite the game being offline for a half-decade now, fans from...

The Stream Team: Celebrating City of Heroes with Paragon Chat costume contests

Never say die! If City of Heroes fans had a motto, this would likely be it. Although they don't have the original game to...

Join MOP in Paragon Chat for Friday’s City of Heroes anniversary bash

Beloved superhero MMORPG City of Heroes turns 13 years old tomorrow, and what better way to celebrate than in Paragon City? That's exactly what...

April Fools’ Day 2017: Hijinks across the MMOverse

If you don't like tricks and jokes, just stop reading right now, turn the lights off, and go climb back into bed. Nothing on...

City of Heroes fans plan April 28th anniversary celebration

Who says you can't celebrate the life of a sunsetted game? The Titan Network isn't buying it: It's once again hosting a City of...

City of Heroes fans mark 12th anniversary in Paragon Chat and Champions Online

Twelve years ago, heroes answered the call to defend Paragon City against aliens, bandits, and nefarious sewer zombies. City of Heroes launched on April 27th,...

Players plan a 12th anniversary celebration for City of Heroes

City of Heroes is gone, but the dedicated fans of the game aren't about to let a little thing like the title's shutdown prevent...