
I blew things up!

Apex Legends boss addresses developers suffering work-from-home burnout and crunch

The Apex Legends subreddit had a little tire fire this past Friday as a result of a Glassdoor review of developer Respawn Entertainment that...

Guild Wars 2 takes fans through the design process of the Assault on the Frost Citadel meta-event

With the next episode of Guild Wars 2 mere days away, a couple of devs at ArenaNet -- senior designer Bryan Yarrow and designer...

Shadow Arena confirms its arrival to consoles and unveils its 12th hero

I’m no industry expert, but I bet I know what the gaming consoles need: more battle royale games! This brain wave is being shared...
How do we hide with all the glowy bits?

Albion Online explains the hideouts of Roads of Avalon

Hideouts? In my Roads of Avalon? It's more likely than you might think in Albion Online. Yes, players can definitely stake their claim to...
glargh and suchlike

Warhammer: Return of Reckoning makes tweaks to RvR, quests, and abilities

The Warhammer Online rogue server Return of Reckoning has put out a fresh patch recently, which isn’t exactly full of jaw-dropping features but has...

World of Warcraft warns that ‘time runs short’ to prepare for Shadowlands

Time is running short to get ready for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands -- or so Blizzard would have you believe. While there is no set...

Rockstar addresses GTAO and Red Dead Online content droughts with vague previews

Rockstar hasn't had the best summer, what with SuperData dinging GTAO for its lack of major content leading to revenue dips and gamers protesting...
Yeah, it's never happening.

SEGA clarifies what exactly Phantasy Star Online 2’s standalone revamp is

Yesterday's big Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis announcement left pretty much everyone confused about what exactly it is. A do-over? An expansion? A...

An interview with Jagex ahead of the launch of RuneScape’s Desperate Measures

Next week, the latest RuneScape quest, Desperate Measures, is arriving in the game. These story additions are always a big deal to the game's...

League of Legends revamps its esports site, Legends of Runeterra kicks off the Spirit Blossom Festival

Two of Riot Games' titles are in our news room, so why not just bundle the two together? It should be easier for you...

DC Universe Online unveils a release date and new key art for the Wonderverse update

You know that an update is coming soon when some fancy new key art is displayed for it. Also, you know an update is...

StarCraft II begins testing patch 5.0 with major co-op shake-up and new achievements

StarCraft II is preparing to celebrate its tenth anniversary, with patch 5.0 hitting the PTR with a wealth of new features. The biggest news here...

SuperData June 2020: Valorant had the ‘biggest launch ever for a free-to-play PC title’

It's time for our monthly check-in on how the games industry is doing according to SuperData's numbers, and don't worry - they're all still...

SEGA announces Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis for 2021

If Phantasy Star Online 2's long-awaited arrival on western devices this past spring didn't light your world on fire, then maybe you'll be happier...

Wizard101 drops a massive summer update with character facelifts

You hear that delighted squealing? It's just the Wizard101 community as they unpack a Christmas' worth of presents in this week's summer content update. KingsIsle's...
Sky sky sky

Vague Patch Notes: No Man’s Sky is the real reboot success story

Whenever an MMO of any type has a launch that resembles the Nedelin catastrophe, people start talking about what the studio should do to...

Torchlight III’s endgame-focused Dun-Djinn content update officially launches

Torchums -- er, sorry, Torchlight III has made good on Tuesday's plan to release its new endgame content the following Wednesday. Which means it's...

PlanetSide 2 is finally nerfing the Firestorm implant in today’s update

Daybreak's Rogue Planet Games is rolling out an update for PlanetSide 2 this morning, focused on tweaks to the Firestorm implant that effectively nerf...

Final Fantasy XIV updates its Reflections in Crystal site as it passes 20 million registered players

It was easy to miss amidst all of the other news contained in yesterday's live letter from producer and director Naoki Yoshida, but Final...

Curse of Aros is a retro-styled mobile MMO of dungeon delves and monster loot

Remember how we pointed out the 16-bit-styled MMO DarkStory? Kind of looked like fun, right? If you're looking for a similarly-styled MMO package on...