
The Stream Team: SWTOR Dark vs. Light vs. Knights of the Fallen Empire

Let's talk about Knights of the Fallen Empire. The latest chapter for the Star Wars: The Old Republic expansion currently remains in early access and...

Black Desert’s controversial cash shop patch is live today

With Black Desert's patch this morning, cash-shop items are officially popping up on the auction house -- that includes pets, outfits, value packages, and...
It shouldn't consistently work, but it does.

World of Warcraft hotfixes loot and item issues

The Burning Legion is invading Azeroth, Demon Hunters are showing up, everything is chaos and nothing makes sense at all. A lot of that...

The Daily Grind: Which older MMO still looks really pretty?

I've been spending more time in RIFT lately due to the expansion announcement, and an observation that's crossed my mind more than once is...

Glimpse Lawbreaker’s high-flying Vanguard in action

If the none of the classes revealed for LawBreakers has tickled your fancy yet, perhaps the Vanguard will. Nexon released a short clip that...
This is all good.

EU Aion 5.0 offers more character customization at beginning and end game

Aion 5.0 Lost Memories not only brings new instances, new regions, and new quests to the EU but also introduces a new Creation Power...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 77: Improving your lockbox experience

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, Diablo III, RIFT, Elder Scrolls Online, Blizzard, Black Desert, and TERA, with mailbag questions on new blood for MMOs and a lockbox rant.

Hyperspace Beacon: Why Star Wars The Old Republic’s KOTFE finale was satisfying and disappointing

The new era of Star Wars: The Old Republic passed a milestone late yesterday when it launched the final chapter in the Knights of the...

Pokemon Go: Sightings, Hiroshima, and the five domains of play

Happy Pokemon Go patch! Yes, Niantic released a patch last night with some new visuals, a warning about not playing while you drive, and an...
The existence of ways to ignore the problem does not make the problem not exist.

You can play a Demon Hunter in World of Warcraft today

Demon Hunters go live in today's pre-Legion World of Warcraft patch, at least if you've already pre-ordered the expansion. The concomitant demon invasions begin...

The final SWTOR chapter for KOTFE drops a few hours early

At approximately 5:15 p.m. EDT, players in Star Wars: The Old Republic received a warning that the servers were coming down but didn't learn why unless...

Fragmented’s latest live build should make crafters happy

Fragmented's latest patch is a big one for player crafters as it adds batch crafting to the crafting stations in the game. The better...
The Cranberries realize now that they released a song too darn early.

Daybreak is cracking down on cheating, bad connections in H1Z1

In a letter to H1Z1: King of the Kill players Friday, Daybreak reminded players that third-party apps and programs that impact the game code to...

Dragon Quest X is getting ported to the Nintendo NX as well as the PlayStation 4

If you're wondering when you'll finally going to be able to enjoy Dragon Quest X despite neither living in Japan nor speaking a word...

Perpetuum Online update brings in new robots and the first lighting improvements since 2012

Last week Perpetuum Online dropped Patch 3.8 on players -- and life will never be the same again. Well, it'll be very similar, actually,...
A big update, and me without any pants.

TERA’s next update arrives on August 9th

A new TERA update is hitting the live servers tomorrow after server maintenance, but you're going to have to experience it alone. Sure, you...
Sure, why not, whatever.

No Man’s Sky submits a sizable day one patch for your approval

Happy launch week for No Man's Sky, especially to those who have been waiting years for the exploration-happy title (and PC players will have...

The MOP Up: Project Gorgon’s pig dance party (August 7, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Champions Online begins testing Shadow of Destruction update

Superheroes are notorious for staging spectacular comebacks after suffering defeat or even dying for the sixth time that week. So try not to act...

One Shots: Player barbecue

Oh, standing in the fires might look cool and give your character that mysterious aura that's so desirable among the trendy set, but in...