The Daily Grind: Has an MMO ever inspired your real pet’s name?
I love naming stuff. Not just my characters, but when allowed, I name my crafted items, housing plot, and of course, my virtual pets....
The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best cats?
This is a Daily Grind about cats. It is not an allegory or a metaphor. There is not a deeper meaning here. We are...
The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO minipet?
Once upon a time, a very smart woman was looking at an MMO's design document. "We have pet classes for people who are scared...
The Stream Team: Playing with the new puppies in AQ3D
Want a puppy? You can have one in AQ3D thanks to the newest update! Obviously the pet-loving Massively OP's MJ cannot resist the charms...
Lineage II previews Aden’s pet system
Are you tired of your pets following you into battle in other MMOs just to look cute flopping around on the ground? Lineage II's...
Not So Massively: Four things I wish I’d known when I started Magic Legends
Inevitably after a couple weeks in a new game, you've learned a few things that you wish you'd known from the start. For me...
The Soapbox: Pet battles are one of the best things WoW ever did (which is why I’ve never played one)
Pokemon first burst onto the scene when I was in elementary school. I've always been lukewarm at best toward anime and "cute" things, so...
Wolcen’s Bloodtrail Chronicle update is live as a massive 12GB update
Remember when Wolcen announced that its first seasonal Chronicle, Bloodtrail, would be coming soon- but didn't offer up a date? It turns out "soon"...
Not So Massively: Why ARPGs, not MMOs, are where pet classes truly shine
I noticed something odd when I started playing Grim Dawn aways back: I went straight for the pet builds. This is interesting because this...
MMO Cartographer: Riders of Icarus is a very tame MMORPG
I have a few vices, and one of them is a mild to moderate obsession with game pets and mounts. I am pretty sure...
The Survivalist: The perils of breeding pets in PixARK, chapter two
There is wrong, and then there is perilously wrong. The kind of wrong so dangerous that the odds of your heart finally recovering are...
The Stream Team: Raising kittens of chaos in Conan Exiles
Massively OP's MJ finally got her place pet-ready -- or at least enough to throw down a pen! Now it is time to raise...
The Stream Team: Building a pet-friendly Conan Exiles treehouse
Now that Massively OP's MJ has her kittens, she needs to build a pen to raise them in. But to do that, she needs...
The Survivalist: Conan Exiles’ Picts, pets, and pokey arrows
In a world where no game is perfect, I continue to be pleased with the progress Conan Exiles keeps making. I'm also happy that...
The Stream Team: Conan Exiles brings on the pets and the Picts
As cool as the trees and ruins are in the swamp, this latest update is likely Massively OP's MJ's favorite. Why? Easy, it brought...
AdventureQuest 3D’s Kickstarter pets will be delivered early — this week
If you never thought you'd see a Kickstarter deliver on its promises early, have a look at this: AdventureQuest 3D and AdventureQuest Worlds are...
Dofus’s 2.48 update will implement Kolossium Leagues and overhaul pet system
Big additions are coming to Ankama's tactical-combat MMO Dofus in its upcoming 2.48 update, which will introduce Kolossium PvP Leagues and revamp the game's...
Forget matchmaking – Wizard101 introduces ‘hatchmaking’
"Hatchmaking?" you say. "What is that?"
Leave it to Wizard101 to come up with a quirky new twist on MMO gameplay. In the family-friendly title's...
World of Warcraft has a Tortollan pet in its data files
Because World of Warcraft and Hearthstone ostensibly take place in the same world, the latter frequently gets to fill out the lore of the...
Pixel Worlds trots out pets for mobile and PC
Congratulations, you're a parent! Or you would be, if you were playing Pixel Worlds and considered "owning a pet" to be on par with...