
The Game Archaeologist: Flagship’s Mythos

Whenever the topic of Flagship Studios comes up, usually it's in conjunction with Hellgate: London. And while Hellgate certainly was a huge and ultimately...
This was a thing.

Daybreak has acquired Cold Iron Studios and its Alien MMOFPS [Updated]

We've updated the end of this post with the confirmation and press release; we've left the original reporting intact. For the last year, it seems...

Trove interview: Gamigo on console’s future, Bomber Royale, and the next class for a revamp

With Trove's fifth birthday and its Delves expansion now behind it, we're curious about what's next for the game. Gamigo's Cornelia and Coby -...

Little Orbit offers Fallen Earth rebuilding update, say it’s temporarily ‘low priority’

Fans of the post-apoc MMO Fallen Earth were thrown a bone by publisher/developer Little Orbit recently as the studio's CEO Matthew Scott checked in...

The Game Archaeologist: Clone Wars Adventures, the Star Wars MMO everyone kinda forgot

Whenever the topic -- the argument -- of Star Wars MMOs arises, the debate is usually between the merits of the sandboxy Star Wars...

Sandbox MMO Xsyon adopts a litter of pets and goes on sale

Tribal MMO sandbox Xyson is getting frisky and furry this summer season thanks to a new patch that added in pets for players to...

Defiance and Defiance 2050 are getting the Event Horizon event once again

Who's ready for leftovers? Both Defiance and Defiance 2050 are getting a freshly microwaved helping of the Event Horizon event, which is running between...
Bad plans.

Global Chat: Too many shipwrecks in MMOs

In the vast annals of MMO tropes, there's one that has been in front of you all along and you've probably never noticed: shipwrecking...

Defiance 2050 introduces some new community ambassadors to ‘strengthen the communication chain’

While players of Defiance 2050 may have been concerned by the sunset of the game on Xbox 360, it would appear that Gamigo is...

H1Z1 launches Season 8, PlanetSide 2 continues tweaking its Colossus tank

We'll call this the Daybreak news bundle: H1Z1 and PlanetSide 2 have both gotten some recent updates, so let's break it down. For H1Z1 players,...
So here's the deal.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO are you most nostalgic for?

I'll admit it, I'm an absolute fool for nostalgia. Things that I loved in the past can still bring a warm glow to my...

Massively Overthinking: Deleting pieces of MMOs to save them

Two ideas floated across my virtual desk in recent weeks, neither directly relating to MMORPGs, but they put the nugget of an idea in...

The MOP Up: Second Life’s super expensive brothel

It's not every week that my editor marches up to me and demands that I cover virtual brothels as headlining stories, but this did...

Flameseeker Chronicles: First impressions of Guild Wars 2’s No Quarter

After March’s relatively lightweight release, Steel and Fire, a lot of Guild Wars 2 players were expecting something big from this month’s release, entitled...
I know, you expected some EQN jokes.

Daybreak has apparently registered another substudio: Wandering Monster Games

Back in 2019, we started covering Daybreak's moves to register trademarks and domain names and social media accounts for a bunch of groups that...

Defiance and Defiance 2050 are having 99 Problems (the event) once again

While Trion most certainly opened the doors wide for all kinds of jabs at the Defiance titles, we're going to try to take the...

PSA: Nearly all of Gamigo’s MMOs are handing out free codes to new arrivals

Earlier, we mentioned a refer-a-friend promotion that Gamigo is offering for Trove, but we'd be remiss if we didn't also point out that the...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO would make for a great movie or miniseries?

MMORPGs crossing over into other entertainment mediums isn't unknown to us at this point, of course. There was that Warcraft movie that one time....

Gamigo is sunsetting more MMOs, this time Dragon’s Prophet EU and its sequel, Savage Hunt

Dragon's Prophet has not had the best run the last few years. In 2015, Daybreak sunsetted the US version of the game, though the...

Former Diablo and Marvel Heroes boss David Brevik announces Skystone, a new game publishing house

David Brevik has been a fan-favorite in the online gaming world for years. Though probably best known for his founding role on the Diablo...