
LOTRO Legendarium: The pros and cons of Rohan housing

To my knowledge, this past week's Update 27.2 for Lord of the Rings Online may well be the biggest housing patch that's hit the...

Shroud of the Avatar adds player town teleporters and previews new building block types

Release 80 is now live in Shroud of the Avatar and with it are new ways for players to blip between player-created towns. The...

New World wraps up ‘density test,’ and the community is impressed

With all the activity flitting about Amazon's New World these days, you wouldn't think that the upcoming MMORPG has been delayed all the way...

Anthem discusses the design goals for getting loot and gearing up in the rebooted version of the shooter

BioWare Austin studio director Christian Dailey promised in his last preview of the Anthem reboot that a new dev blog would be coming soon,...

The MOP Up: All Points Bulletin revs its engine upgrade

This past weekend, Little Orbit's All Points Bulletin ran its second open beta test as it prepares to roll out the huge Unreal Engine...

Ashes of Creation shows off gathering, spell effects, and a dungeon in its latest livestream

This past Thursday saw yet another peek at Ashes of Creation gameplay and development footage from the folks at Intrepid Studios. The video first...

Magic Legends’ next starting class is the white mana-using Sanctifier

Magic Legends has finally deigned to show off the latest of the multiplayer ARPG's starting classes. Say hello to the Sanctifier, a veritable beacon...
Fly free, too.

Final Fantasy XIV offers a few more tidbits about patch 5.3 to its special site

Flight! Letting slip the surly bonds of gravity and taking to the skies! Final Fantasy XIV has let players fly in the expansion zones...

New World’s first ‘density’ stress test begins today at 5 p.m. EDT

MMO gamers are gearing up for stress testing in Amazon's New World today and into the weekend. As we previously posted, today's event kicks...

First impressions of Dauntless’ new sword and revamped Ramsgate, live today

The old Ramsgate is dead and gone. Destroyed by some sort of cataclysmic event, and with only the mysterious orb from the Umbral Deeps...

Lord of the Rings Online previews Rohan housing, re-enables world chat

Life is starting to get back to normal in the bruised and battered Lord of the Rings Online. Following the server troubles of the...

Amazon’s New World gears up for ‘density’ stress testing this week

It was no real surprise earlier this month when Amazon said it was delaying New World yet again, this time until 2021 - frankly,...

Flameseeker Chronicles: First Impressions of Guild Wars 2’s Jormag Rising, live today

Just two short months ago, Guild Wars 2 introduced us to the Drizzlewood Coast, flashpoint of the civil war between the Charr United Legions...

Wisdom of Nym: Everything we learned in Final Fantasy XIV’s 5.3 live letter

It's not exactly a secret to people who follow my presence on various feeds that I'm not doing great right now emotionally, but the...

Rockstar addresses GTAO and Red Dead Online content droughts with vague previews

Rockstar hasn't had the best summer, what with SuperData dinging GTAO for its lack of major content leading to revenue dips and gamers protesting...

The Elder Scrolls Online previews a whole castle full of the undead with Castle Thorn

Castle Thorn in The Elder Scrolls Online has lots of undead. No, really, it has more undead than that. They're squirting out of the...

SMITE is adding Tsukuyomi the Japanese moon god to the roster in August

The Japanese pantheon in the MOBA SMITE is about to grow by one more this August as Hi-Rez Studios has announced that the moon...

Torchlight III wants to open up its endgame tomorrow

Tomorrow is looking increasingly likely for Torchlight III's next content update -- and a big update it'll be, at that. With Wednesday's patch, the...

EVE Echoes takes a peek at the inside of the Xian-Yue destroyer as beta testing wraps up

It never occurred to me that the internet spaceships of EVE Echoes have interiors manned by a crew of people; I always just envisioned...

The MOP UP: Star Wars Galaxies Legends invites new players to a server far, far away

Thinking about getting into that Star Wars Galaxies that all your friends have been pressuring you to play since 2003? The Legends rogue server...