
Starborne previews a faster game mode during an open tournament this weekend

The multiplayer RTS Starborne seems to be about playing the long game, what with regular campaigns lasting a total of 10 weeks each. This...

Dungeons and Dragons Online kicks off third hardcore league, previews Update 47

Dungeons and Dragons Online's popular permadeath temporary server is coming back at noon today with a third trip through this brutal gauntlet. This time...

Mortal Online 2 shows off the city of Kranesh in a recent video

While the in-development Mortal Online 2 might sound like a world of misery and danger, that also doesn't mean that there can't be nice...

Legends of Runeterra will get new modes and its first event during the Season of Fortune

What's coming next for Riot Games' Legends of Runeterra? A fair number of things according to a recent dev blog which outlines what players...

Cyberpunk 2077 has been delayed yet again, now to November 19

Back in January, we covered the news that Cyberpunk 2077 aka Keanu Online was being delayed from its April release date to September. Now,...

New World talks about combat and PvP gameplay, shows off its War mode

Amazon's upcoming MMO New World continues to shovel coal into the hype engine as it inches towards its July 23rd beta. David Verfaillie, the...

Magic: Legends shows off the process behind giving life to the land of Shiv

Despite the fact that the name makes it sound like a sharp implement destined to slide into somebody's ribs, the land of Shiv is...

Star Citizen shows off predatory creature concepts, previews new locations arriving in alpha 3.10

Star Citizen has already briefly touched on a couple of creatures like the space cow and space whale, but not everything in the animal...
Corpse party.

World of Warcraft previews the undead might of Maldraxxus

Maldraxxus is one of the new areas in World of Warcraft, and it's a portion of the realm of the dead with a very...

Fallout 76 delays its legendary perk system and new event

Fallout 76's upcoming Update 20 is looking a little more bare than it was last week, as Bethesda announced that it's going to be...

Path of Exile previews what can be crafted from the garden and talks about Slam skills

The headlining feature of Path of Exile's upcoming Harvest League is literally in its title: players harvest Lifeforce from monsters grown in the Sacred...

New World previews its crafting system and player housing decoration

Yesterday's New World dev blog was all about character development and progression, and it was a bit of a let down for folks who...
Hell hell hell hell

Neverwinter explores the regions of Avernus for its upcoming module

When the next module arrives in Neverwinter, you can go to Hell. Specifically, the first layer of the Nine Hells, Avernus, a war-torn wasteland of...

Warframe’s Deadlock Protocol update is set to arrive to PC this week

PC players of Warframe are going to have their hands full later in the week when The Deadlock Protocol arrives to the game, bringing...

There are multiple heroes planned for Heroes of the Storm this year, and there’s snow falling now

It's been a quiet first half of the year in Heroes of the Storm, but players have been promised that there are multiple new...

PlanetSide 2 adds new weapons and a big hecking tank to the PTS

If you call a vehicle Colossus, you'd better deliver on the promise of size. Luckily, the Colossus tank coming to PlanetSide 2 absolutely delivers;...

A sneak peek at Dauntless’ new umbral-charged Escalation and creepy new Behemoth

This coming Thursday, June 11th, will see a fresh update to the monster-slashing online RPG Dauntless, which is bringing improvements to the new player...

Destiny 2 took an hour and a half to blow up a ship in its weekend event

If you thought Destiny 2 might be the game to challenge Fortnite's supposed "metaverse" status, well, we're sorry to disappoint you on... basically every...

Star Citizen alpha 3.10 will add a visual guidance path to landing zones

One of the things I've been chronically awful at when playing Star Citizen is finding the space port to land in a city. It...
Can I come out yet?

World of Warcraft previews the region of Ardenweald and the Night Fae

A land of perpetual twilight, overseen by the Winter Queen, Ardenweald is a forested portion of the afterlife players will be exploring in World of...