
Mortal Online opens up a new starting zone for players with today’s Haven update

The word "haven" means a lot of things, but almost all of them relate to a feeling of safety. In a game like Mortal...

Warframe shares Empyrean release plans, a new boss enemy, October’s update, and a Halloween preview

Oh, look, another Warframe dev stream packed to the absolute gills with information and updates. Seriously, these things have more details than most games...
There is actually quite a lot of this.

Wisdom of Nym: The space remaining in Final Fantasy XIV

If we get more than two more expansions in Final Fantasy XIV, we're going to be moving into some interesting territory: Players are at level...

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep’s raid was beaten in six hours, opening new events for all players

The world first title for Destiny 2's newly released raid has already been claimed. The Garden of Salvation has gotten its first clear a...

The MOP Up: KurtzPel is getting a dash of Lime

KurtzPel is getting its newest hero, Lime, very soon, and to lead up to her release the game is winging a CP and AP...
Don't worry, something will happen any day now.

Jukebox Heroes: Exploring EverQuest’s official soundtrack

It is fairly rare for an MMORPG to sell an official soundtrack these days unless the game is fairly prominent (i.e., Final Fantasy XIV...

One Shots: Getting all down and cozy

I love a good cozy place in an MMO, moreso if it's got a fully stocked snack bar and some of my all-time favorite...

Destiny 2 launches its next raid on October 5 and drops the ban hammer on cheaters

Those in the know for Destiny 2 understand that the Black Garden isn't a place where one can smell the pretty posies. Unless you...
Hello, peoples.

Final Fantasy XIV is adding more player housing wards with patch 5.1

If there's one recurring complaint about housing in Final Fantasy XIV (and there is), it's that there just aren't enough houses to go around. The...

Massively Overthinking: The one about MMO roleplay servers

An MOP reader named Thierry recently pointed us to a brewing storm in the World of Warcraft Classic community: In a nutshell, the server...

Neverwinter brings Uprising to consoles, Star Trek Online is bringing a Patrols menu to consoles

Perfect World's two larger console MMOs are getting some updates of note for players on Xbox One and PS4. The Uprising content patch for...

The Division 2 previews Shepherd system improvements, Expedition Mastery, and new Invaded missions

Title Update 6 of The Division 2 is already in the works, and the latest State of the Game has provided fans of the...

Final Fantasy XIV outlines the changes being made for Mentors in patch 5.1

You may have noticed that players with Mentor crowns in Final Fantasy XIV are... well, not necessarily the people you would want teaching new players how...
No belts

Current and former Blizzard employees congratulate the Final Fantasy XIV staff on Shadowbringers

It would be perfectly accurate if you picture Final Fantasy XIV and World of Warcraft as rivals, but if you think that means two gangs of...
Spookiness optional.

DC Universe Online kicks off the Witching Hour event for spooky celebration

As soon as you think about skeletons, they stop being particularly scary as monsters; they're just human beings without muscles or anything. A skeleton on fire...

Enter to win a TERA-themed PS4 console from En Masse and MOP (open to NA/EU!)

We've got a truly awesome giveaway lined up today: To celebrate MMORPG TERA, we've partnered with En Masse to give one lucky MOP reader...

Perfect Ten: Solo prequel games to MMORPGs

When studios go about making MMORPGs, risk comes along with the effect as a matter of course. The only question is how to reduce...

Destiny 2’s servers got beaten up during the Shadowkeep and New Light launch

Those of us who have been through several online and MMO game launches know that these things almost never go smoothly, so perhaps word...

Elder Scrolls Online players can slay fictional dragons to save literal cats in a unique charity event

The Elsewyr chapter of The Elder Scrolls Online has been all about saving the cat-like Khajiit from the dragon threat. Now, players can slay...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Does Guild Wars 2 release more paid outfits than armor skins?

I’ve noticed a common complaint bouncing around the Guild Wars 2 community, one that I believe to be a myth. Today, I’d like to...