
It's big.

The Daily Grind: What traditions do you have for MMO expansions and patches?

The vast majority of side quests in every single Final Fantasy XIV zone can be safely ignored. As part of the allied society quests...

Second Wind: World of Warcraft’s radically casual new endgame

Today we're going to be dusting off Second Wind, a column where we revisit MMOs of the past. It's an older column, sir, but...

The Soapbox: In defence of World of Warcraft Cataclysm

When Blizzard announced Cataclysm Classic servers for World of Warcraft, there was some bemusement in the broader MMORPG community. Cataclysm has always been controversial,...
Don't stand so.

The Daily Grind: Do you read the quest text in MMOs before you accept quests?

We assume of others what we know of ourselves, and it is thus that I know a lot of people do not even spare...

Final Fantasy XIV patch 6.25 is live today with new types of dungeons and new quests

Are you ready for a new style of dungeon? How about helping a rabbit and a robot open a cafe at the end of...

Vitae Aeternum: Analyzing New World’s storytelling

I've been wanting to write this column for a while, but it's been a struggle to find the words. I'm never sure of how...

Lord of the Rings Online boasts at least 11,000 quests

Maybe at this point, Frodo and Sam should feel some pity toward the rest of us. After all, Lord of the Rings Online players...

RuneFest 2019: Exploring RuneScape’s archaeology, dino breeding, and content through 2020

Do you know what I have been missing in my life? Baby dinos. I really miss getting to raise baby dinos. But thanks to...
Going nowhere, going nowhere.

First impressions of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, part 2: Content

Part two covers expansion content: the storyline, the new zones, the War Campaign, questing, rewards, Inscription, professions, dungeons, and environments.
I'm not really interested.

Fortnite patches in a new point of interest and more quests

The latest patch for Fortnite is out, and it has some new weaponry for you in both its Battle Royale and Save The World...

Sea of Thieves lays out player progression and mission types

If you've been paying attention to Sea of Thieves, you may have noticed that Rare's game isn't hewing to the traditional RPG stats and...

City of Titans shares details on creating its mission lines

There's already a lot of lore floating around for City of Heroes-inspired indie MMORPG City of Titans, but all of the lore in the world...
Iconic or no, I just don't care.

The Daily Grind: What sort of content discourages you from projects in MMOs?

Pretty soon, we're getting the next tier of anima/zodiac/whatever weapons in Final Fantasy XIV. Every time those show up I find myself thinking that...

Sea of Thieves channels The Goonies with its riddle quests

Not every map in Sea of Thieves will be as simple as "'X' marks the spot." The team discussed how it's developing more advanced maps...
Oh, and let's not forget this freaky lady.

Shroud of the Avatar unveils its patch notes for release 42

The end is coming to Shroud of the Avatar. The next patch for the game, release 42, allows players who have succeeded at the...
Well, here we go.

Final Fantasy XIV wraps up the Heavensward story on March 28th

In less than a week, the first expansion for Final Fantasy XIV is coming to an end. The final story patch for Heavensward, 3.56,...
Herp to the derp.

WoW Factor: Examining World of Warcraft’s 7.2 update

Patch 7.2 is the first real content patch that we've gotten for World of Warcraft post-Legion. Obviously, 7.1 wasn't devoid of content, but it...
We're all stars now in the outlaws.

Choose My Adventure: On the wrong side of the law in The Elder Scrolls Online

The Thieves' Guild might have a somewhat generic name for what it's doing, but I find it makes far more sense in any world...

Revelation Online expounds on PvE story, quests, and factions

As closed beta continues to roll along, Revelation Online rolls out more information on what players can expect to find. The latest dev blog...
Do you ever feel like we, as a group, are collectively trying too hard?

You can’t get raid quest items from LFR in World of Warcraft: Legion

The lack of a queue option for Mythic dungeons in World of Warcraft hasn't sat well with many people, but it appears that's not...