Pokemon Go isn’t canceling its LA tour after the wildfires, but it’s offering refunds
If you were planning on attending Pokemon Go's Unova - Los Angeles tour later this month, there are two things you need to know:...
Fortnite has refunded $72M to gamers so far thanks to ‘dark patterns’ settlements
Last year, the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) hit Epic Games with a $245M fine as the government body found that the company was...
Star Citizen player reports CIG is making him sign an NDA before getting a refund
We've chronicled the weird steps players have needed to take to get refunds from Star Citizen numerous times before, but now it looks like...
Steam is altering the early access refund deal – pray it does not alter it any further
If ever you needed another reason not to purchase or play games in early access, Valve has stepped forward to give you a huge...
Fortnite’s $245M FTC settlement over COPPA violations means you might be entitled to a refund
All right, people, hold your horses. The FTC is indeed giving out money from its settlement with Fortnite developer Epic Games, but it's specifically...
Pirates weep as Skull and Bones issues automatic PlayStation refunds
Just a few weeks after Ubisoft sank the hopes of every player who was hoping to finally get their hands on Skull and Bones...
Google Stadia hardware refunds have begun rolling out following its cancelation
Just two months ago, Google announced the sunset of Stadia, which was less a surprise than an expectation at that point, given the company's...
GOG offers No Man’s Sky refunds after players discover that multiplayer won’t come for months yet
As you may have seen, No Man's Sky is back in the spotlight thanks to this week's massive NEXT multiplayer update.
However, not all players...
Marvel Heroes players seek refunds in the face of the game’s closure
With the shutdown of Marvel Heroes looming about a month and a half away, players are scrambling to see if they can obtain a...
Star Citizen denies claims that a backer sought and received a $45000 refund
If you're as "fed up" with waiting for Star Citizen as Chris Roberts is "fed up" with providing endless moving release dates for alpha...
Survival sandbox Rust has refunded $4.38M to players so far
Have you ever wondered how many copies of any particular game players return for refunds on Steam? In the case of the popular survival...
Star Citizen changes refund clause for new backers, plans procedurally generated planets for 2.7
There's no doubt that Star Citizen has sold a massive flotilla of ships and raised staggering amounts of money... but what if the game...
Crowfall is going to start enforcing its ‘no refund’ Terms of Use policy
The official wording of Crowfall's Terms of Use policy has been that pledge packages will not be refunded. You buy a package, it's yours,...
The Stomping Land creator apparently abandons project
Friends, it pains me to say this, especially when dinosaurs are involved, but it might be time to give up hope on The Stomping...