rogue server

The Daily Grind: What’s your most petty MMO pet peeve?

Today's Daily Grind was inspired by LOTRO blogger Fibro Jedi, who tweeted about personal space: You know how sometimes you'll be standing in an...

14-year-old golf MMO Sega Splash Golf is slowly being reassembled by one dedicated fan

Normally we open these kinds of stories by asking our readers if they remember an old game, but it's extremely likely that nobody outside...

SWGEmu celebrates Star Wars Galaxies’ 20th birthday year with a tribute video

Yes, Star Wars Galaxies celebrated its 20th anniversary back in June - we wrote all about it - but we like SWG 'round these...

SEC filings reveal the multi-million-dollar debt ARK Survival Evolved’s publisher owes Nitrado

In the middle of August, ARK: Survival Ascended called attention to a partnership with Nitrado that would guarantee the option for players to rent...
The stars are over Dun Morogh.

WoW Factor: What would World of Warcraft ‘Classic Plus’ even look like?

So before I start this column, I want to make something very clear: I do not for one moment, in my heart of hearts,...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best cosmetic system (not the best cosmetics)?

The other day I was mucking around with my outfit on SWG Legends and having some conflicting emotions. First, I was grateful that the...
I find the way.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 434: Wayfinder finds the way to early access

Justin and Bree discuss Wayfinder, Palia, DCUO, and Guild Wars 2, with adventures in LOTRO and GW2, plus mailbag topics on spoilers in expansion reveals and the rogue servers of the distant future.

Pirates Online rogue server operators open an archive that preserves assets from Pirates of the Caribbean Online

The history of Pirates of the Caribbean Online is one that's about as unique as making an entire MMO out of a Disney theme...

The Stream Team: Feeding the alt machine in City of Heroes Homecoming

Long-time players of City of Heroes know that about 90% of the endgame in the MMORPG is creating alts, and MOP's Chris is certainly...

Warhammer Return of Reckoning’s three-year-long ability rework is ‘nearing a release-ready phase’

It's taken the player developers of Warhammer Online's Return of Reckoning rogue server three years to rework the MMORPG's massive number of abilities, but...

ArcheAge rogue server AA Classic is hobbled by launch woes

We don't generally cover rogue servers for still-alive MMORPGs here on MOP, but this weekend's messy launch for an unsanctioned player-run classic version of...

The Daily Grind: What’s your most recent screw-up in an MMORPG?

Last weekend, I logged into SWG Legends after good long while of playing other MMOs. I knew I'd been neglecting my vendors (sorry, shoppers!),...

Kakao partially denies report that ArcheAge will sunset following XLGAMES restructure

Korea's Money Today News has a disturbing scoop on turmoil at XLGAMES that appears to mean layoffs inside the studio - and a closure...

Choose My Adventure: What Warhammer Return of Reckoning taught me about my competitive nature

I used to believe that I wasn't a very competitive person. Sure, I could consider myself stubborn and driven to excel, and I most...

City of Heroes Rebirth brings buffing Pandora’s boxes, harder task force challenges, and power proliferation July 23

It is the Dawn of Genesis for the Rebirth rogue servers of City of Heroes. Or rather, it will be when Issue 6 goes...

Massively Overthinking: The MMOs that are worth their dreadful early gameplay

I think many of us are primed to roll our eyes at anyone who says "oh man, just keep playing, it gets better later...

Warhammer Online Return of Reckoning lets players craft special jewelry during the Twilight’s Tide event

For fans of the Warhammer fantasy IP, having a celebration turn into a time when there are even more demonic and chaotic threats is...

Choose My Adventure: PvP and RvR bring reward and rage in Warhammer Online Return of Reckoning

It was pretty darn clear what you folks wanted me to experience next in the Return of Reckoning rogue server for Warhammer Online, and...

Star Wars Galaxies Restoration rogue server expands galactic civil war mechanics in latest update

If you think the galactic civil war feature that played out in Star Wars Galaxies was kind of humdrum back in the day, perhaps...
Strawberry fields forever.

The Daily Grind: What does a rogue server for a departed MMO need to grab your attention?

By their very nature, rogue servers for MMOs we've lost are not going to have the population of the live game. They're inherently smaller....