
Sandvox games are sandboxes built with voxel technology.

The best MassivelyOP community Daily Grinds of 2023

This traditional roundup of the best Daily Grinds of the year is actually one of my favorites because it demonstrates just how long we've...

Perfect Ten: The interesting features EverQuest Next promised before it was canceled

After way, way too long, it looks like an EverQuest 3 may be in the works after all. It's been rumored for years, of...
Starting again.

The Daily Grind: Would you play EverQuest Next or Landmark if Daybreak revived them?

I know the big buzz for the EverQuest franchise is the potential for EverQuest 3, given that EG7 has been pitching it to investors....

Funcom celebrates its 30th anniversary as it looks back at Anarchy Online, Conan, and Secret World

It's a landmark year for Funcom, as the Norwegian video game developer celebrates its 30th anniversary. The studio got started making games for the Genesis...

Perfect Ten: 10 MMO things you can just stop waiting for

Sooner or later we all have to face facts and accept that something we wanted at one point is never actually going to happen....

Singularity 6 interview: Palia is the cozy cottagecore sandbox to beat as it begins closed beta

The label "cozy" is in increasing danger of becoming a watered-down label thanks to how much it's being used in culture these days. Yet...

Massively Overthinking: The MMOs we wanted a decade ago

Back in May, MOP's Justin penned a fun blog piece on his Bio Break blog about the games he wanted all the way back...

The Realm Online’s corporate buyer surfaces with a bizarre website and studio partner

Over the course of June, we learned the sad news that player-led developer Realm Worlds would be shutting down the current version of The...
Never mind, I'm not real!

Battle Bards Episode 226: Echoes of MMOs that never were

It’s always highly bittersweet when MMO fans sit back and consider the games that never were — the projects that got far along in...

Trove announces plans for a weekend network test intended to ‘help shape the future’ of the MMO

Psst. Hey, Trove player. Yeah, you. You wanna "help shape the future" of your colorful little voxelbox world? Then you should totally check out...
Infinite Crisis

The Game Archaeologist: The tale of Infinite Crisis, Turbine’s extremely short-lived DC Comics MOBA

Sharp minds will recall that back in 2012, EA Mythic attempted to turn its declining MMO fortunes by repackaging Warhammer Online into a MOBA...

Whatever happened to Creativerse? For starters, it went fully buy-to-play

It's been a terribly long time since we checked in on Creativerse, a cutesy multiplayer voxelbox that launched out of early access way back...

Perfect Ten: Ranking 10 MMORPG map designs from worst to best

When I was a kid, I loved poring over maps in our family's atlas when we went on road trips. Getting a kind of...

Perfect Ten: 10 dead MMOs that should be revived for a second chance

I have always felt that it's such an enormous waste of everything when a live MMORPG is sunsetted and access to it is gone...

The best MassivelyOP community Daily Grinds of 2022

2022 marks the fifth year in a row we've done this roundup, but the Daily Grind has been a recurring mini-column here on MassivelyOP...

Trove’s Snowfest invites you to save the yeti as console begins Reeling in the Stars

Christmas returns to Gamigo's voxelbox Trove today as Snowfest has returned to blanket the gameworld in snowfall. Oh, and with rampaging yeti and dungeons...

Dual Universe relocates an in-game museum and confirms a lack of Steam Deck support

Players of Dual Universe might be wondering how an entire museum got moved around recently. Or maybe they're not and have other things to...

Dual Universe plans new talents and updated tools in future patches, offers free sub time for sick CSGO clips

Yes, we know that the intersection of CSGO and Dual Universe doesn't seem like one that should be; we'll get to that in a...

Dual Universe teases big ‘monthiversary’ announcement, hosts creepy construct contest

It's been about a month since the sci-fi voxelbox Dual Universe walked out of beta, which apparently is reason enough for developer Novaquark to...

Lord of the Rings Online tours through Before the Shadow’s Cardolan

Now that Lord of the Rings Online has properly introduced its upcoming Swanfleet zone, the studio's shifting its focus to promoting the other member...