
WildStar subreddit mod bans F2P and B2P discussions

Hope you didn't have plans to talk about WildStar's possible conversion to a new business model on Reddit because one of the game's subreddit...

Tamriel Infinium: A guide to Elder Scrolls Online’s combat basics

I was looking back through some of my posts about the Elder Scrolls Online, and I noticed that I've mentioned combat quite a bit....

MMO Mechanics: Three favourite action combat systems

Virtually every MMO contains dangerous places that are filled with other players or NPCs that will attack characters on site, and many also feature...
Do you want Borg? Because that's how you get Borg.

How Skyforge’s invasion system works

The world of Skyforge does not sound like a fun place to live. In addition to everything else that people have to deal with...

Skyforge boasts big beta numbers

With the first two Skyforge closed beta tests out of the way and the third one currently running, it's of course time for The...

Global Chat: What happens to original MMOs when they get sequels?

Telwyn at GamingSF asks a question that I've contemplated from time to time: When an MMO gets a sequel, what happens to the original...

WildStar’s massive INVASION: Nexus patch is live

Do you want a pet? Do you want to take on some contracts? Are you excited to play around with an expanded wardrobe? Is...

Skyforge’s PvP promotes skill over gear

One of the Holy Grails of PvP in MMOs is to emphasize player skill over all else, including gear. It's a difficult route to...
Why does everyone have this plan after the fact instead of before?

WildStar outlines its PvP seasons as the first season ends

The next major patch for WildStar is bringing the end of a season of PvP. Did you know you were taking part in the...
Now I'm the best thing ever!

WildStar’s Zero to Fifty livestream goes on hiatus

Carbine is closing down WildStar's Zero to Fifty livestream show, at least temporarily. Community and creative content manager Tony Rey posted briefly on the...

Here’s a quick preview of WildStar’s new Star-Comm Basin zone

WildStar's getting a new zone and it's called Star-Comm Basin. Carbine senior game designer Scott Hafner has penned a dev blog that previews the new...
Goin' up to the spirit in the sky.

How to unleash divine wrath in Skyforge

Sure, you get the idea that Skyforge is all about being a deity. But what does that mean? When do you get to unleash...
My life is not fun.

Perfect Ten: The 10 things every MMO’s official site should have

Are you ready to have you mind absolutely blown open? Because I have an astonishing truth to lay at your feet: While doing this...

Win a Skyforge closed beta 3 key from Massively OP [All gone now!]

Skyforge's third beta test begins today, bringing with it two new PvP zones, a new cave area, and a pair of adventures too. Second-round beta...
Make my time a priority.

WildStar is now on clearance at Best Buy

So... you all remember how yesterday saw WildStar boxes being yanked in Australia, combined with that promotion encouraging players to buy more boxes of...

WildStar deep-dives in the Bay of Betrayal

The Bay of Betrayal is another piece of content being added in WildStar's next patch, and it adds in a few more new ideas...

Skyforge preps third beta test for next week

The beta events for Skyforge are flying fast and furious now, with the third test scheduled for next week. Allods Team announced today that...
Any Kill Bill references you want to make here may or may not be apropos. It's a fine line.

Rumor: WildStar box recall and promo might herald free-to-play

The last time the retailer yanked boxes of a game from the shelves and returned them to the distributors, it was The Elder Scrolls...
What you are chasing and will not get.

Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs that let you turn real money into MMO money

Two days ago, World of Warcraft launched the WoW Token service, which will kill the game forever. It thus joins the list of every...
Nothing is ever a monster made out of chocolate and cuddles.

Skyforge outlines the details of Distortions

The world of Aelion has a whole lot of deities, but players in Skyforge will quickly discover that this is for the same reason...