
Star Trek Online’s Borg come home for the holidays

What are you hoping to see in your stocking come Christmas morning? If you're like most geeks, chances are that you are hoping against...

Cold Iron’s Craig Zinkievich on funding, the genre, and the MMO nature of the game

Earlier this month, we got a curious press release from a new gaming studio called Cold Iron. I might have skipped over it but...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG had the best community in 2016?

A loss of a sense of community is something many MMORPG players lament as our genre approaches two decades, whether they think communities slip away...

Massively OP’s Best of 2016 Awards: Most Likely to Flop in 2017 or Beyond

Massively Overpowered's end-of-the-year 2016 awards continue today with our award for Most Likely to Flop in 2017 or Beyond, which was awarded to Blade & Soul last...

One Shots: Lost in space

You might think you're having a bad week. You would be wrong. A bad week is getting podded in the void of space as...
I don't know what cool is any more.

Warframe celebrates the holiday season with the Tennobaum Gifting Extravaganza

It's the holiday season in... wherever Warframe takes place. It may be space. We are pretty sure it is space. Even in space, there...
No, saying that you don't care is not actually an answer.

Take a look back at the end of Star Wars Galaxies

There's a new Star Wars movie out now; you may have heard about it. Heck, you might have gone to see it already. But...
The fun of getting lost, being upset, and getting annoyed.

Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMORPG stories of the year

Earlier this week, we posted our award for the biggest MMORPG story of the year -- the one we thought had the biggest impact...
watch me doooooo

Perfect World Entertainment integrates Twitch streaming into its Arc launcher

If you want to play Neverwinter, Gigantic, Star Trek Online, or maybe even Perfect World International, you're probably familiar with Perfect World Entertainment's Arc...

Destiny’s holiday event is off to the races

Don't look now, Destiny, but you're becoming more of an MMORPG every day. The sci-fi shooter patched in its Dawning update this week, bringing...

Global Chat: Knights of the Eternal Throne debate

With the arrival of SWTOR: Knights of the Eternal Throne, the MMO blogosphere lit up in lively discussion about the expansion, its story, and...
I want to go back (go back)

Datamining hints at new content coming to Star Trek Online

So what's next for Star Trek Online? Intrepid dataminers have been poking around in the game's files since the last patch and found a...

Hyperspace Beacon: Where can SWTOR go from here?

Have you ever watched a great movie and ever wished that the director would make a sequel but also not make a sequel, all at the...
What now?

EVE Online improves the new player experience further

The free-to-play option in EVE Online brought with it a revamp to the starting player experience, so new free players would be able to...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 95: Rising from the ashes

Justin and Bree discuss end-of-the-year coverage, ArcheAge, Ashes of Creation, Elder Scrolls Online, CCP, Cold Iron, The Secret World, and LOTRO, with mailbag questions on MMOs we wish we liked and the New World's timeline.

SWTOR welcomes Life Day and 5th anniversary celebration

Rushing out to see Rogue One this weekend? Not so fast: SWTOR is going to make a play for your attention and geek affections....
why you like this 2016

Star Trek Online’s 3D-printed ships aren’t happening after all

Remember how Star Trek Online made a big announcement about getting custom ships 3D printed for players? That sounded cool right from the start....

The Daily Grind: Are you worried for EVE Online’s safety if CCP is bought out?

Following the Bloomberg-floated rumor last Friday that CCP Games might be up for sale, we've had nothing but silence from CCP on the topic, so bloggers...
shark robots

Warframe pushes The War Within to consoles alongside a gaming giveaway

It has been a month and a day since The War Within, one of Warframe's most-hyped content releases to date, arrived on the PC....

WildStar celebrates the consumer season with Winterfest

There's no need to get sappy or sentimental in WildStar when the holiday season rolls around. When it comes to Protostar's Gala Winterfest, cold,...