
Empyrean is building ‘MMOs you can beat’

Empyrean Interactive is coining a new acronym this season: PCA, which stands for persistent cooperative adventure, a "radically different" take on the MMO genre. Studio...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite type of grind in an MMORPG?

Grind is not a thing people generally love in MMORPGs, but what's actually considered to be grind varies wildly from player to player. You...

Guild Chat: How to reacclimate when coming back to EVE Online

Welcome along to another edition of Guild Chat, the space in which I get together with the MOP commenters to help a reader in need...

One Shots: Slipping between shadows

I'm not one of the stealthy types in MMOs, mostly because very few games give me the chance to hang upside-down from rafters and...

Build the best base for Fragmented’s screenshot contest

The Repopulation's survival sandbox spinoff Fragmented is neck-deep in its early access testing phase now, which makes it the perfect time for a base-building...

WildStar announces new class/race combos

The WildStar developers have heard the community's desire for additional class/race combinations in the game, and as a result Carbine is working on getting...
It's like three games for the price of... well, actually, it's two games now.

Star Citizen’s Around the Verse on Nexus lore and the Javelin escape pod

Cloud Imperium's Sandi Gardiner is joined by Concept Artist Jeremiah Lee for the latest episode of Star Citizen's Around the Verse. Gardiner tells watchers...

Elite: Dangerous launches Engineers update beta

Elite: Dangerous' 1.6 and Engineers 2.1 update have finally arrived... in beta, that is. Frontier Head of Community Zac Antonaci posted the patch notes to...

Star Trek Online’s tale of two Leetas

If Star Trek has taught us anything, it's that midriffs and goatees signify that you're from an evil parallel universe -- and that more...

EVE Online Capsuleer Day birthday video, unexpected freebie weekend restrictions

Even as trial players are pouring into EVE Online to enjoy the free weekend on Steam, some are having difficulty taking advantage of this...
quartier21/room D at Museumsquartier in Vienna, Austria, by Manfred Werner - Tsui (used via Wikimedia Commons permission)

The Daily Grind: Should MMO studios be involved in modding their games’ subreddits?

Reddit is a complicated place with more than its fair share of drama, and that drama spills over into the gaming space from time...

Waxing philosophical about SWTOR companions with BioWare’s Charles Boyd

Just in time for this week's May the Fourth festivities, I spoke to Star Wars: The Old Republic’s Charles Boyd. He currently holds the title...
To return where others have gone before, but not like this.

Star Trek Online announces its third expansion: Agents of Yesterday

Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starships named Enterprise. Their continuing missions have been to explore strange new worlds, to...

Perfect Ten: The final minutes of beloved MMORPGs

"This is how the world ends," T S Eliot wrote in his famous poem, "not with a bang, but with a whimper." That might well...
da da da da da da

Star Wars: The Old Republic will add weapon tunings outside of the cash shop

Cosmetic options are a very big part of Star Wars: The Old Republic, so adding a new cosmetic option to the game is going...

EVE Online player uses patch trick to dominate the PLEX market

Among the patch notes for EVE Online's recent Citadel expansion release was a fairly innocuous increase in the fees for listing items on the in-game...
It's been quiet.

Elite: Dangerous is pushing the Engineers beta out on May 5th

Eagerly awaiting the next update to Elite: Dangerous? It's been pushed back a fair bit, but it has been confirmed that the next update...

WildStar opens the doors to Vault of the Archon

The heart of WildStar's Arcterra is now open for the plundering. Patch 1.5.1 came to the game today, bringing the promised debut of the Vault...

EVE Online is free-to-play on Steam for the weekend

It's been a long time since EVE Online launched (like, at least a week), and the game is still getting regular updates and improvements....

The Stream Team: May the Fourth (and free cartel packs) be with you in SWTOR

What's better than spending May the fourth (be with you) in SWTOR? Spending it with MassivelyOP’s Larry and MJ in SWTOR! The duo continues...