
Elite: Dangerous starts Mac beta test on March 31st

Mac Elite: Dangerous fans who are feeling grounded while their PC brothers and sisters are cruising the stars will soon have their own chance...

EVE Fanfest 2015: EVE is getting customisable structures and player-built stargates

It's often said that EVE Online is ultimately built by its players and that the developer's job is to produce the tools for players...

The Stream Team: Getting spacey in Landmark

If you think everything about Landmark is fantasy, think again! We've seen planes, trains, and even some automobiles in this sandbox. Now MassivelyOP's MJ wants...
EVE Valkyrie

CCP releases new EVE: Valkyrie trailer at Fanfest

Space combat fans, you'll want to have a look at the new Valkyrie trailer released at EVE Fanfest 2015 this week. It was captured...

EVE Fanfest 2015 begins, promises new VR tech and huge EVE reveal

It's the time of year again when EVE Online fans and developers from around the world make the annual pilgrimage to a frozen volcanic...
Can't imagine why.

EVE Online adds buddy invites to trial accounts

EVE Online, like many MMOs, is best enjoyed with a friend, if for no other reason than to have at least one other person...
Community: only as long as it's convenient.

Star Trek Online lines up a new feature episode, improved Pilot spec

The entirety of Star Trek Online's run to date has featured an obvious villain waiting in the wings: the Iconians. Everyone knows they're out...

Origins of Malu begins early access on March 20th with PvP only

Origins of Malu will be launching its early access program this Friday, March 20th, with a buy-to-play hybrid model. The indie sandbox will initially...

WildStar’s contracts system is an alternate route to great rewards

Stuck at level 50 in WildStar with nothing to do? If you're eschewing the hardcore raiding and PvP life, then you'll be happy to...

Elite: Dangerous names space station after Terry Pratchett

Fantasy comedy writer Terry Pratchett, who passed away last week at the age of 66, will be honored with a place among the stars...

WildStar tells the tale of the Ravaging of Arboria

Ever wonder why WildStar's floppy-eared Aurin are galaxy-hopping instead of staying at home and gnawing on carrots? It's because of an event called the...

Cryptic layoffs alone totaled 18 people

Massively OP has been contacted by a Cryptic employee -- who wishes to remain anonymous and whose identity we have confirmed -- about the Perfect...
I am still proud of myself for this screenshot.

Perfect World Entertainment hit with potentially massive layoffs

Layoffs have hit Perfect World Entertainment. It was first rumored in a tweet by Ben PerLee, who had previously worked as PR for the...

Not So Massively: HoN’s Grimm Hunt, HEX’s 100k tourney, and Descent’s reboot

It's been a packed week in the world of online multiplayer gaming, with competitive tournament announcements, patches, and tons of new videos. Microsoft may...
Star Citizen

Star Citizen’s SXSW trailer features the social module

Did you miss last weekend's SXSW Star Citizen presentation? If so, you also missed a first look at the title's social module, which debuted...
Oh, there's going to be so much chopping.

Investment firm sees a dark future for WildStar, bright hopes for Guild Wars 2

Korean investment firm KDB Daewoo Securities is not predicting a rosy future for WildStar, although it still is recommending NCsoft as a "buy" prospect....
Ascent the Space Game

The Daily Grind: Which MMO was better than you expected?

I've been dabbling in Ascent: The Space Game here lately, even though I keep telling myself that I'm done with early access titles. It's...
Get in and get moving, I hear the law!

Star Citizen posts weapon design blog, music featurette, and more

Cloud Imperium dropped a whole bunch of Star Citizen news updates this weekend, including a video featurette on composer Pedro Camacho, another week of...

EVE Fanfest will be cold; EVE gets a new artbook

EVE Fanfest 2015 is coming in a little less than a week, and if you can't attend in person, you do have the option...

WildStar’s next drop adds contracts and vanity pets

Looking forward to the next evolution of WildStar? Well, it's coming, cupcake! The team announced today that it's started testing the next drop, Invasion:...