
One Shots: When magick met wizardry

When magic meets magic, does it shake hands? Give each other a hearty fist bump and catch up on old times? Or does it...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has killed you the most?

There's a small story behind that screenshot up there. I was playing Star Trek Online, and during a boss fight I was stricken by...

Exclusive: Riders of Icarus demos its most entertaining mounts

Riders of Icarus is zooming on to its July 6th open beta (and yes, founder's packs are available). In the lead up to that...

Camelot Unchained is implementing grouping and working on buildings

A weekly progress dispatch from Camelot Unchained is as reliable as clockwork of late. In this particular case, it's a bit earlier than normal...
Risk is for people who don't like winning all the time.

Albion Online reveals guild vs. guild content rework

Albion Online is in the middle of a big revamp ahead of its beta later this summer -- new weapons, new maps, new biomes....

Elder Scrolls Online’s Update 11 features Argonian theme, new dungeons, updated trials, and new hair

ZeniMax is busily teasing its plans for The Elder Scrolls Online's Update 11 today. If you're a fan of the franchise's lizard peeps, you're...

ELOA steps up its game with Outlaw’s Emperor update

Today's content update from Elite Lord of Alliance might just make you sit up and notice this anime hack-and-slash MMO. Epic 2: Outlaw's Emperor is...

Shroud of the Avatar is building a posh gated community

What do you think of gated communities? The answer to that question probably lies in whether you're in the inside or outside of one....
That's not to say it's free of issues, of course.

Star Trek Online will memorialize Anton Yelchin in-game

For those of you who missed the news, actor Anton Yelchin (best known to fans of Star Trek as Chekov in the reboot films)...

One Shots: Cave art

True fact: One of the earliest attempts to screenshot the action in an MMORPG took place as prehistoric cave paintings in France. Another true...

The Game Archaeologist: The Shadow of Yserbius

Really, I blame my parents for not being filthy rich. If they had been, we could've afforded the $130/month unlimited subscription fee to the ImagiNation...

Crowfall’s seventh class is the mighty minotaur

One of the neat aspects of Crowfall's archetypes is how the team is scouting a wider range of fantasy races for its inspiration. Move over,...

E3 2016: Perfect World’s Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, and Livelock

One thing that I see over and over in our comments sections when we cover Perfect World's MMOs is hatred for lockboxes and keys bought...

Albion Online plans massive world revision to better serve casuals and hardcores alike

The world of Albion Online is about to get a massive revamp when its final beta test lands later this summer and reveals the...

Play Lineage II Classic with a European promo key from Innova and MOP

Most MMORPG veterans are surely familiar with NCsoft's Lineage II, the 2003 sequel to the still-wildly-popular-in-Korea Lineage. Last spring, the EU publisher, Innova, began...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Hands-on with Guild Wars 2’s third raid wing

Forsaken Thicket is set to get much larger and... lanier... today: I was given the opportunity to test out the third wing of Guild Wars 2's...

Shroud of the Avatar’s novelization arrives June 21

Shroud of the Avatar's novelization is counting down the days to release. In the game's latest newsletter, Portalarium has announced that The Sword of Midras novel,...

One Shots: Fire + ice = mess

What do you get when you mix fire and ice? A steamy combination of incredible pictures... and an awful mess. Steampower Girl noticed that in...

Camelot Unchained shows environmental art, teases major announcement

Camelot Unchained fans know that there's always a lot to unpack from each week's lengthy newsletters. And while there's a lot to chew on...
So many colors in the rainbow.

Perfect Ten: MMORPGs with distinct visual styles

Given the choice, I am always going to pick a game with stylized graphics over realistic ones. This is for many reasons; it's partly...