See: Legends of Aria
shards online
The Stream Team: Derek Brinkmann dishes about Shards Online
How would you describe Shards Online? MassivelyOP's MJ found the perfect way to answer that question: She nabbed Derek "Supreem" Brinkmann to do it!...
Betawatch: Eternal Crusade hits launch (September 23, 2016)
You know, it's kind of weird to think that Eternal Crusade has actually launched. It seemed as if it would forever be in testing,...
The Stream Team: Fishing and frolicking in Shards Online
It's been quite some time since MassivelyOP's MJ dived into Shards Online to show it off to you, and much has changed since then....
Shards Online adds fishing before it hops to alpha
What are the most crucial features to have in an MMO before you go into alpha testing? Shards Online already has a lot of...
Make My MMO: Dual Universe’s Kickstarter, ECO’s PAX trailer, and Hero’s Song’s ladies (September 3, 2016)
This week in MMO crowdfunding news, sci-fi sandbox Dual Universe is making the final preparations for its Kickstarter, which launches this coming Wednesday. "For...
Stronghold Kingdoms plans to let players delete their own server
Stronghold Kingdoms developer Firefly Studios claims to be making history today by becoming "the first developer to place the fate of entire game worlds...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 75: Future oracles
Justin and Bree discuss WoW, Guild Wars 2, Shards Online, LOTRO & DDO, FFXIV, Black Desert, and more, with a mailbag question on boosting GW2 characters.
The MOP Up: Planet of Heroes comes into orbit (July 24, 2016)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Make My MMO: Hero’s Song’s update and the Elite: Dangerous mystery map (July 23, 2016)
This week in MMO crowdfunding news, John Smedley tweeted a few teasers for his upcoming pixel MMORPG Hero's Song. "We're at 5400 items in our game...
Shards Online AMA covers permadeath, community servers, and the Steam launch
Citadel Studios' Derek Brinkmann hopped on Reddit yesterday for an AMA revolving around Shards Online. Among the highlights:
The game does have hunger, but...
Make My MMO: Descent Underground (July 16, 2016)
This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Descent: Underground released a major AI update this week -- the Moon Collider’s advanced Kythera AI system -- plus...
Betawatch: AdventureQuest 3D steamrolls toward open beta (July 15, 2016)
You know how some titles like to linger in ill-defined test phases forever? AdventureQuest 3D doesn't want to go that route. The game is...
Shards Online patches in necromancy and dragon taming
The latest Shards Online patch is the biggest one since December, and it really covers all of the bases you can imagine. Do you...
Shards Online gets greenlit and adds player-run merchants
We all remember those important milestones in our life: Our first lost tooth, our graduation, our wedding, and of course, our debut on digital game...
Enter to win a Shards Online pre-alpha trial key from Citadel Studios and Massively OP
In celebration of Shards Online's run at Steam Greenlight, Citadel Studios has granted Massively OP 25 seven-day pre-alpha trial keys for our readers. Inspired by old...
Shards Online hopes for Steam Greenlighting, plans stress testing
Shards Online is gunning for Steam with the start of its Greenlight campaign today, originally planned for April. Citadel Studios says that it "will...
Make My MMO: Elite Dangerous’ Oculus launch (March 12, 2016)
Frontier confirmed this week that Elite: Dangerous is indeed destined for the Oculus Rift; in fact, everyone who owns the game will be able...
Shards Online gets ready for a big hype push in April
Next month Shards Online will stir from its deep development slumber and lurch out into the sunlight, either to terrorize neighboring villages or to...
Exclusive: Shards Online’s skill system dev diary
Indie sandbox Shards Online is barreling toward its 2016 launch, promising a creator's paradise for those willing to steer their very own servers. Today, Citadel...
Make My MMO: Inside The Repopulation & Hero’s Song (February 13, 2016)
This week in MMO crowdfunding news, two studios spoke to Massively OP in-depth about their major crowdfunding decisions in 2016. Pixelmage Games' John Smedley told...