sony online entertainment

See: SOE, now Daybreak Game Company

Massively Overthinking: Hopes and fears for Amazon’s New World

The announcement of a new sandbox MMORPG last week -- New World, by none other than Amazon Game Studios itself -- has had both...

EverQuest: Empires of Kunark goes live November 16th

EverQuest fans will be able to return to Kunark for more adventures when the 23rd expansion releases on November 16th. Empires of Kunark focuses...

EverQuest II’s Kunark Ascending expansion launches November 15

If you've been eagerly awaiting new EverQuest II content, you still have another six weeks to go: Kunark Ascending will be going live on November 15th. On...

Hyperspace Beacon vs. Tamriel Infinium: An unpopular opinion on SWTOR and ESO lockboxes

I expect to come under fire for the opinion I'm expressing today for a couple of reasons. Hyperspace Beacon and Tamriel Infinium are our biweekly columns...

Global Chat: The MMORPG blogosphere reacts to Amazon’s New World announcement

Judging by the number and passion of comments posted on the announcement of Amazon Game Studios' new MMORPG, a lot of you have no...
Hello again.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 85: A whole New World

Justin and Bree discuss New World, WoW, Elyria, Firefall, SMITE, FFXIV, and Destiny 2, with mailbag letters on Star Wars Galaxies' PvP and explorable MMOs.
Bang bang, you shot me down.

Daybreak is cutting out game cards

If you're a big fan of buying game cards for Daybreak's various online offerings, you should go snap them up now before they're gone....
We are coming undone

H1Z1 hands out over $267,000 in tournament prize money

Killing zombies is just the warm-up; killing fellow survivors of a zombie apocalypse is where the real money is at. H1Z1: King of the Kill...

The Witching Hour Halloween events return to DC Universe Online

While it's been Halloween in the stores for at least two months already, the holiday festivities are just getting started in MMORPGs now that...

One Shots: The Guild Wars franchise, then and now

Any time I see someone post an MMO screenshot from older games, I feel like it benefits the historical record by adding another visible...

EverQuesting: Landmark brings back PvP and Halloween in its latest patch

Note: While mainly focused on the franchise that started it all, EverQuesting delves into the other Daybreak news and titles as well. I can't help...

John Smedley says he exults in hands-on gamemaking with Hero’s Song

You might think that trading a position as CEO of a multi-game studio to work on a single, smaller, and most decidedly indie title...

Massively Overthinking: Are you suffering from MMORPG burnout?

In last week's Daily Grind about whether or not MMOs are better the second time you play them, the topic of burnout came up. "I find...

DC Universe Online reworks its early game and welcomes back the Witching Hour

It's not yet October, but the Witching Hour has returned to plague DC Universe Online. There are minor changes to the Halloween event, including...

UK law enforcement agency claims game modding can lead to crime

If you've ever installed an auction hall mod in World of Warcraft or added a mood hack to your Sims 4 install, put down...
This is... oh, heck, you know.

Landmark’s September update is due out this week

The big September update for Landmark is going to be out this week, which is good news; otherwise it wouldn't be September any longer....

MMO publisher gPotato suffered a major account data breach in 2007

Think back to 2007: Statistically, you were probably playing World of Warcraft's The Burning Crusade, or maybe even Lord of the Rings, Vanguard, or...

The Daily Grind: How do you solve the MMORPG ‘Jedi Problem’?

MOP reader Witches noted in the comments of last week's Perfect Ten that Firefly seems to be better-suited for the kind of world that...

The MOP Up: The Division opens its public test server (September 25, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Leaderboard: Where did all the City of Heroes players go?

Based on the comments under Justin's Perfect Ten on City of Heroes memories this past week, a lot of folks out there in our audience really...