
Well, all right.

The MOP Up: Embers Adrift’s soundtrack swells prior to launch

With less than a week to go before Embers Adrift becomes the newest launched MMORPG on the block, the studio pointed out that its...

Genshin Impact marks its second year of operation with an hour-long concert

We're already very familiar that Genshin Impact has an outstanding soundtrack (after I shook Justin enough times about it), and fans of the multiplayer...

Battle Bards Episode 217: Legend of Edda

Chances are you’ve never heard of today’s featured MMO — or its quirky little soundtrack! So why not come along with Syp and Syl...

Embers Adrift launches October 15, confirms its box price and subscription model

It looks like Embers Adrift, the crowdfunded MMORPG once known as Saga of Lucmia, is on its way to the end of beta and...

Perfect Ten: 10 Final Fantasy XIV musical tracks that absolutely slap

Everyone knows that people who play Final Fantasy XIV will not shut up about the game's music. This includes me. I will not shut...

The MOP Up: New World and Book of Travels put out fresh soundtracks

MMO music lovers -- we crazy few -- have a couple new albums to explore this month. Well, the New World soundtrack has been...
Fly free, too.

Battle Bards Episode 216: FFXIV Before Meteor

While Final Fantasy XIV players won’t shut up about A Realm Reborn, it’s not often you hear people speaking fondly of the original 1.0...

Maplestory 2 announces a shutdown date for its Chinese server in November

Alas, poor Maplestory 2, you were cute and likable and then you got kicked to the curb after less than two years. We did...

Perfect Ten: My memories from the 2004 World of Warcraft launch

Back in November of 2004, I was a wide-eyed 28-year-old bachelor who had just met his future wife and was generally leery about MMOs...

Battle Bards Episode 215: Lineage W

Maybe you’ve never heard of Lineage W, a 2021 spin-off of NCsoft’s long-running franchise. But after today’s Battle Bards episode, you’ll have heard its...
Yep. All right. Super.

Past Fate shows off its first moments of gameplay in a new video

So what's it like when you first step into the world in Past Fate? You don't have to speculate about that any more because...

Battle Bards Episode 214: Thieves and rogues

You may never see them coming, but when the Battle Bards strike out of the shadows, you’ll either find your pocket picked, your fluffy...

New World recorded crowds at real sporting events for its arena soundtrack

When Amazon launched New World last year, one of the facets of the MMO that impressed many of us here at MOP was the...

Battle Bards Episode 213: Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker

The END(walker) of Final Fantasy XIV came, went, and brought us some excellent music along the way! In this episode of the Battle Bards,...
tfw you're in love with lovely johnny

Perfect Ten: Weird ways we heal each other in MMORPGs

One of the most important implications of the virtual worlds we visit is that they all boast medical care far above and beyond anything...

LOTRO Legendarium: Exploring the bounds of Yondershire

As I write this, I'm coming down off of the buzz that was Lord of the Rings Online's 15th anniversary. All in all, I...

LOTRO Legendarium: Remembering 15 amazing years of Lord of the Rings Online

Server performance issues aside, Lord of the Rings Online's 15th anniversary has been a smashing success. It's been far greater an event than I...

The Game Archaeologist: Six cancelled MMOs that I wish had launched

In my lengthy tenure writing The Game Archaeologist -- which dates back to May 2010, if you can believe it -- I've covered MMOs...

Lord of the Rings Online admits PvP scene is ‘at a crossroads,’ releases 15th anniversary soundtrack

Newly rehired Lord of the Rings Online dev Allan "Orion" Maki popped up on the forums this week to discuss the game's PvP scene...

Battle Bards Episode 212: Elder Scrolls Online Blackwood

Now that the Battle Bards have had that expensive knee surgery done to remove all arrows, they’re back in the Elder Scrolls Online universe...