
This is some Michael Bay contrast.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s story does not know you are playing a video game

In Rich Burlew's long-running webcomic Order of the Stick, there's a moment early in the comic when a fire has engulfed the inn the...
Yeah, we're getting into the stones here.

Storyboard: Managing the escalating stakes in MMO storytelling

Everyone who has at least passing familiarity with stories, whether they be in MMOs or elsewhere, roleplayed or canonical, realizes that stories need stakes....
And we will call it... this land!

Early datamined cutscenes for World of Warcraft start to piece together the story of patch 9.2

All right, when you get tired of all of the fire covering World of Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment in general right now, maybe you'd...

Elite: Dangerous’ latest community goal has players siding with Eurybia Blue Mafia or the Keltim Empire

Now that Elite: Dangerous has once more brought back community goals, it's time once again for players to pick sides to unlock rewards and...
The stars are over Dun Morogh.

WoW Factor: How do we make a good Warcraft movie?

Sometimes, dear readers, things simply do not line up. I really have a long piece I'm looking forward to doing, and then Blizzard does...

Warframe of Mind: The story of Space Mom and The Second Dream

When I first started playing Warframe, I definitely wasn't in it for the story. Was there story? Initially, no. There were only crumbs of...

Hyperspace Beacon: Star Wars The Old Republic’s Uncle Owen problem

When Star Wars: The Old Republic first released, an old Star Wars Galaxies argument popped up, and the crux of that argument was this:...

The Daily Grind: Are MMORPGs better off without stories?

Last week, Massively OP community veteran BalsBigBrother pointed out -- rightly! -- that while Trove is amusing, it's very much lacking in prepared story or...

Landmark NPCs can talk your ear off after today’s patch

Are you ready for another whopper set of patch notes for Landmark? Today's hotfix will see combat tweaks, equipment rebalancing (along with a slower...
Make it everything.

Final Fantasy XIV explores the team behind the story of Heavensward

Final Fantasy XIV continues offering players a look behind the scenes of the game's development with a second video today. The first one explored...
This was only the start.

Wisdom of Nym: Odds and ends from Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 3.2

I spent all of the last column talking about Final Fantasy XIV's most recent patch, but boy, there's still more to talk about. Who...

The Daily Grind: Do MMO graphics influence your immersion?

This past week, in the hubub surrounding Smed's new OARPG, Hero's Song, we interviewed bestselling author Patrick Rothfuss, who's building the lore of the game's...
Maybe that's the horrible, fundamental blade that sits at the heart of every nudge forward. That if you're forced to really ask yourself for honesty, you realize that love is just a word you use to justify doing hard work for someone who never thanks you in a way you find meaningful or satisfying.

The Park is not single-player The Secret World, but it might be even better

Let's just put our cards on the table: The Park is not the single-player offering that The Secret World fans have been clamoring for...
Try to fly better than this.

Hands-on: Blade & Soul’s western port is a cheerful cliche storm (and I want to play more)

I spent a ridiculous amount of time playing Blade & Soul just moving around. Most of the time in a given game, I'm moving around because...

Revival dev: ‘It is like literally being on a live TV show’

The creators of Star Citizen's FPS module, Illfonic, are also hard at work on their horror MMO Revival. A new interview with Creative Director...