tabula rasa

Official Site: Tabula Rasa (Wikipedia)
Studio: NCsoft
Launch Date: November 2, 2007
Sunset Date: February 28, 2009
Genre: Sci-Fi MMOFPS Sandbox
Business Model: Subscription
Platform: PC

One Shots: R.I.P. Firefall

Do not go gentle into that good night forever, Old MMOs should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the...
Just barely avoided this fate.

Perfect Ten: MMORPGs that died too soon

Your favorite game is going to die. I wrote about that. Some games are never even going to get to launching in the first...

Massively Overthinking: Is the MMO genre facing an identity crisis?

MMORPG blogger and MOP commenter Isarii (@ethanmacfie) recently published an excellent video positing that the MMO industry is facing a "massive identity crisis." "The MMO...

NCsoft rep says bringing City of Heroes toons to Master x Master was his ‘passion project’

We've been speaking with NCsoft West off the record this week, agitating for publicly printable answers on the Master X Master decision to implement City...
If you forget the fact that it was during the day and there were only the two of us and it wasn't outside by a wooden table it was exactly like this.

Richard Garriott explains why Steam has been unkind to Shroud of the Avatar

Have you had a chance to pick up and read Richard Garriott's memoirs yet? Whether or not you have, you might want to check...

One Shots: Tabula Rasa’s 21-gun salute

Ralph the Wonder Llama kicks off today's community screenshot gallery with a salute to the late, great Tabula Rasa. "Yes, Tabula Rasa ended up being...
Roberts and Garriott

Richard Garriott publishes his memoirs

When you've lived a life as wacky and full as Ultima creator Richard Garriott, it only stands to reason that you'd probably want to share your...

The Game Archaeologist: Six Halloween holidays from buried MMOs

There are two things to know about Halloween and MMOs. The first is that just about every online game in the known universe puts...

TERA: Patrick ‘Treeshark’ Sun departs, Halloween arrives

Seattle claims another MMO dev: TERA Producer Patrick "Treeshark" Sun told players that he's leaving En Masse tomorrow. "In my stead, Matt 'Denommenator' Denomme will...

The Game Archaeologist: Classic PlanetSide

Unlike fantasy, the sci-fi genre has had a rocky relationship with MMORPGs. While studios have tried just as hard to make and promote them,...

MMO publisher gPotato suffered a major account data breach in 2007

Think back to 2007: Statistically, you were probably playing World of Warcraft's The Burning Crusade, or maybe even Lord of the Rings, Vanguard, or...

Jukebox Heroes: Great tunes from dead MMOs

When a beloved MMORPG is canceled, it doesn't entirely vanish without a trace. After all, there are thousands (if not millions) of eyewitnesses with...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 60: Nostalrius down

Justin and Bree discuss Nostalrius, TERA, Black Desert, SWTOR, DDO, Guild Wars 2, and WoW, with mailbag questions on Kickstarters and Tabula Rasa.

Chaos Theory: The Secret World’s Halloween event haunts our dreams

It's finally here! This is truly the holiday I wait for all year, and The Secret World has the MMO event I anticipate all...

The Game Archaeologist: Anarchy Online

"The future in your hands." This was Funcom's promise to gamers in the early days of the 2000s. Even as the MMORPG genre slowly took...
Wow, positive.

Perfect Ten: Ten MMO futures that never were

One of the things I spend a lot of time thinking about is Operation Unthinkable. For those of you who don't feel like clicking...

Chaos Theory: A whole summer of The Secret World’s player-run events

What's up in The Secret World? I'm glad you asked! If you're one of those folks who are not-quite-so-patiently awaiting the launch of the...

The Game Archaeologist: Mythic’s Imperator Online

It is a truly difficult thing to create something completely new and original, especially in storytelling and setting. It's perhaps impossible in this day...

One Shots: Dragons can be heroes, too

I've given dragons a lot of flack over the years for being overused, underwhelming stock MMO bosses when bears deserve top billing. But what...
Shroud of the Avatar

Shroud of the Avatar’s Starr Long on gameplay vs. graphics

Shroud of the Avatar executive producer -- and original Ultima Online director -- Starr Long was interviewed by The Escapist this week. Long discusses...