
Worldwide with the thrones.

NCsoft expands Throne & Liberty publishing to several additional regions in Asia and beyond

There's still a little time remaining before Throne & Liberty finally launches over here on September 17th as published by Amazon. But there are...

Cutesy golfing MMO PangYa sunsets in Thailand, marking the official end of the game

Unless you're an MMO fan of a certain vintage, the name of the game PangYa is probably going to sound odd to you without...
world cup

War Thunder previews Tank Football 2024 and more Alpha Strike update content

Are you ready to play some football? In a tank? That doesn't make any sense as a name because tanks famously do not have...
Investigations are ongoing.

Fallout 76’s Atlantic City Boardwalk Paradise is live with two new expeditions

Fallout 76 is betting that you'll be back for Atlantic City Boardwalk Paradise, which is officially live today to send you to the Jersey...

The MOP Up: Open-world tactical RPG Wartales releases next month

Looking to wage medieval war in a different format? You'll soon get your chance with Wartales, an open-world tactical RPG that's fully luanching on...

Diablo Immortal plans to roll out to the rest of Asia Pacific in late June

You may have missed it in the announcement that Diablo Immortal will launch on June 2nd, but this release won't be a global rollout....

T3Fun is shutting down its version of Granado Espada this month

Considering that no updates or even maintenance has been done on Granado Espada (also called Sword of the New World) over the past year,...

The MOP Up: Overwatch teases a huge new feature

Something big is coming to Overwatch -- and no, we don't know what it is just yet. For the game's fifth anniversary, Blizzard teased...

The MOP Up: Valorant fights against the smurf invasion

What is Valorant doing to fix its matchmaking? The studio explains its system in a community Q&A session, in particular addressing the problem of...

The MOP Up: World of Warships comes to the Epic Games Store

Big boats need a big harbor, and Epic Games Store certainly can provide that. Wargaming announced this past week that World of Warships is...

Black Desert counts 40M players as its PC version buffs music and adds new Shai instruments

Pearl Abyss has officially turned 10 years old today, and it's brought some hard liquor to the party. Did I say hard liquor? I...

Black Desert’s new Q&A covers everything from dancing and new classes to inflation and endgame

Apparently, Heidel Ball was a big success for Black Desert this year, such that Pearl Abyss couldn't even answer all the questions players had...

The MOP Up: Twin Saga blossoms into spring

Spring has blossomed in Twin Saga, with the huge Update 25 bringing a new Senshi quest, the Trade Fjord and Fairy Valley zones, the...

MMO Business Roundup: Video game gambling, toxicity, post-lawsuit reconciliation, and successful UX design

Welcome back to another mish-mash roundup of MMO-business-related happenings that just don't fit in anywhere else. To wit: On game gambling: Remember the bizarrely bad...

Elder Scrolls Online dishes on Elsweyr’s zone inspiration and countering Khajiit stereotypes

As Elsweyr is put through its test phases on Elder Scrolls Online's PTS, ZeniMax is offering up a preview of the zone itself -...

Interview: Black Desert’s Pearl Abyss on battle royale design, metrics, cron stones, and future content

Black Desert has had a wild ride over the last year, as has its home studio, Pearl Abyss. Not only did PA pick up...
Work that soul, yo

The MOP Up: SoulWorker introduces Chii Aruel

There's a new character on the horizon for SoulWorker, and her name is Chii Aruel. The studio hasn't said much about her just yet, but...

Western qualifiers for Blade & Soul’s $135K esports tourney are this weekend

Not many MMORPGs take a stab at true esports these days. There's World of Warcraft, of course, but other titles, like Guild Wars 2,...

One Shots: A sense of place

Why do you play MMORPGs? What keeps you questing through these ever-growing worlds? I think a lot of us might answer like Zyrusticae in...
Come hell or high elf.

Crowfall previews the armor of the High Elves

The next alpha version of Crowfall will allow players to try out the High Elf race, which means that it would be a bit...