thanksgiving 2017

Chaos Theory: Exploring Secret World Legend’s anima allocation and other QoL improvements

Remember that big quality-of-life update that Secret World Legends launched mid-November? Chances are your quality of SWL life did indeed improve with a number...

EverQuesting: First impressions of EverQuest II’s Planes of Prophecy

November: A month of colorful, falling leaves, Thanksgiving... and an EverQuest II expansion! That's right, the 11th month isn't allowed to finish up until...

The Stream Team: Turkeytopia bestows goodness in Trove

What is more Thanksgiving than hunting tukeys? What, you don't hunt your own turkey? Massively OP's MJ does -- in Trove! That's where turkeys...

The Stream Team: The last Marvel Heroes hurrah?

Well then. That happened. Although Massively OP's MJ actually had other Thanksgiving day plans, the very real threat that this could be her last...

Massively Overthinking: What are you grateful for in the MMORPG genre?

I've been keeping a gratitude journal for the first time in my life this month, and it turns out that it's freaking hard. Why?...

Shroud of the Avatar elaborates on Release 48 changes

If you missed it, Shroud of the Avatar pushed out its November update pretty early this month due to the Thanksgiving holiday (an action...

Massively OP’s guide to MMO Thanksgiving 2017

Stately resting between the gaudy purple and orange of Halloween and merry red and green of Christmas is the earth tone-saturated Thanksgiving. While no...
From the past.

The Daily Grind: Are you celebrating World of Warcraft’s anniversary?

Today is Thanksgiving in the United States, but unlike many such years, it's not "just another Thursday" to everyone else. No, this marks the...

Trove’s freebie Turkeytopia boxes drop sweet turkey mounts for Thanksgiving

My favorite thing about Trove is that its developers feel absolutely no shame whatsoever about leaning into utter absurdity, hard, and frankly, I think...

Black Desert introduces Thanksgiving boss event and halves its B2P fee

Kakao announced today both Thanksgiving celebrations and sales for Black Desert. In fact, it's a good time to be jumping into BDO as a...

The Stream Team: The HEX adventures of Tomb Bunny

With Thanksgiving just days away, Massively OP's MJ can't help but focus on something she is very grateful for: killer bunnies! And HEX gives...

World of Warcraft kicks off Pilgrim’s Bounty while time-locking its anniversary transmog

Here's the good news: World of Warcraft has turned on Pilgrim's Bounty once again, which means that you can jump through some holiday achievement...
Good news, this wasn't a fad! (It was a fad.)

Pokemon Go kicks off Global Catch Challenge with 3B ‘mon goal

Live now in Pokemon Go as of this weekend is a pretty nutty challenge for players all over the globe, daring players to get...

Here’s the full list of Trion Worlds’ Black Friday deals

As you plan your Black Friday shopping strategy (ours: sleeping in and lazily shopping on Amazon Prime), Trion Worlds wants to help out by...

Shroud of the Avatar’s early R48 update focuses on launch priorities, polish, and performance

Shroud of the Avatar has rolled out Release 48 as of early this afternoon, which may just upset your internal clock a bit, since...

Dark and Light shows off the environments of the Scalding Abyss

In the Flames of Bel'Xahl patch for Dark and Light that releases today, players will take on the greatest enemy of humanity since time...

Blade and Soul has a tasty spread coming for the Golden Harvest Festival

Take equal parts Thanksgiving dinner and autumn trips to the local cider mill, and you're going to end up with Blade and Soul's Golden...

DC Universe Online’s artifacts system goes live with GU76 today

Game Update 76 descends upon the gloomy superhero world of DC Universe Online today. The headline feature going live after the big ol' maintenance?...

Kritika Online posts updated roadmap, starts testing Psion class

Now that Kritika Online has a half-year or so of live operation under its belt, the team is starting to get a handle on...

Pokemon Go’s Halloween event update is more than just candy

Recent Pokemon Go updates had been hinting at something big, and now finally we've got an official announcement from the team, and it's big....