
Project 1999’s Green server brings back the classic EverQuest experience on October 25

Back in September, we told you about a new Green server being put together by Project 1999, the EverQuest emulator that got a written...

Wisdom of Nym: What we know in the wake of Final Fantasy XIV’s second 5.1 preview

Ah, another live letter, another lack of official translation despite a lot of important information being conveyed that way, and another round of people...

Hallow’s End returns for another round of familiar Halloween fun in World of Warcraft

"Prepare yourselves, the bells have tolled! Shelter your weak, your young and your old! Each of you shall pay the final sum. Cry for...

The MOP Up: Google Stadia looms nigh

Are you ready for Google's attempt at cloud-based video gaming? Mixed feelings or not, Google Stadia is going to start its rollout next month...

Gamigo is retooling Trove’s player-generated content submission system

I'd be willing to be that in spite of how often we cover Trove, most of our readers have no idea that a lot...

Star Wars: The Old Republic offers another preview of an Onslaught location, gets an official Star Wars Twitter nod

In an event that can only really be summarized as "senpai noticed me," Star Wars: The Old Republic has had a brief hype trailer...

Ragnarok Online’s international servers are going dark for two months to receive a mass of updates

When you update your MMO, you have one of two methods: the drip-feed, which sees you slowly release smaller updates, or the force-feed, which...

Oath’s developers show the receipts and its own evidence in the ongoing art studio payment controversy

"We never wanted to take this to the public," starts the opening of Oath developer Ready-Up Studios' statement. "However, since Ocean Spark decided to...
I'm purely decorative!

Dark Age of Camelot brings out its Halloween challenges through November 7

Why should Halloween be a time when it's easy to prevail against dark forces? That doesn't seem on-brand, does it? Dark Age of Camelot...

Grab an Aura Kingdom starter pack with a booster character to celebrate Halloween!

To usher in the Halloween season, Aeria has granted us a stack of Aura Kingdom starter packs for our readers! The included items run...

The Division 2 is free-to-play all weekend for PC, PS4, and Xbox One

While we mentioned this in passing during our roundup of Title Update 6's features, it does bear repeating: The Division 2 is entirely free...

EverQuest II announces the Blood of Luclin expansion, a new server, and a new anniversary event

We've known that EverQuest II is getting a new expansion, but details have been a little light. Thanks to the latest producer's letter, however,...

LOTRO Legendarium: Taking the Stout-Axe Dwarf on a journey

While the (hopeful) launch of Minas Morgul is still over a week away, players who have pre-ordered the newest Lord of the Rings Online...
Sometimes the theme is just disappointment.

Final Fantasy XIV patch 5.1, Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty, is arriving on October 29th

The latest Letter from the Producer LIVE arrived for Final Fantasy XIV, and as fans predicted it includes both a trailer and a release...

Daybreak’s Holly Longdale promises: ‘There is a future for EverQuest’

Even as Daybreak fractures into several studios, its flagship MMORPG continues to fly high. EverQuest itself recently confirmed the Q4 arrival of its Torment...

DC Universe Online’s GU98 adds new items to the Second Chance Vendor and Resurgence Mega Capsules

If a resurgence returns, is it a re-resurgence? An ultrasurgence? A megasurgence? Instead of pondering portmanteaus, I'll instead just mention that Resurgence Mega Capsules...
That's Trek for you.

Star Trek Online patches in the new Event Campaign system for a Tier 6 ship

Tier 6 ships are not precisely rare in Star Trek Online, but they sure can be expensive. The new Event Campaign system in the game...

Star Citizen’s alpha 3.7.1 hopes to bring an end to random asteroid interdiction

So you're flying along at quantum speeds in Star Citizen, minding your own business and watching the kilometers tick away, when warning sirens tick...
Oh dear.

World of Warcraft datamining hints at Death Knight additions as Blizzard postpones anniversary in Taiwan

It's been a rough week for fans of World of Warcraft as Blizzard has continued to be mired knee-deep in a problem of its own...

Hyperspace Beacon: Is SWTOR prepared for the Onslaught?

Welcome back to the Hyperspace Beacon. I have taken a much-needed break over this summer to come back to the first expansion that Star...