
Global Chat: A starting point for WoW Classic

The recent announcement of WoW Classic's starting point -- Patch 1.12 -- started to make the prospect of this legacy server a lot more...

One Shots: Better virtual homes and gardens

Lately I've been overdosing on some serious Sims 4 time (blame the Seasons expansion announcement for this!) and indulging in my long-standing passion for...

Vampire MMO Shadow’s Kiss turns on its alpha servers

Six months after raising over $80,000 in its Kickstarter campaign, Shadow's Kiss is drawing players into its dark alpha test. The alpha servers are now...
Everything old is new again.

Final Fantasy XI developers answer fan questions on Reddit

Age is catching up to Final Fantasy XI, but the development team remains as passionate as ever. For the game's 16th Anniversary, English-speaking fans...
This is not a doll.

Final Fantasy XI brings out more waves of Dynamis enemies with its next version update

Get ready for additional waves of enemies in Dynamis-Divergence in Final Fantasy XI when July comes around, because that's what's being added. The game's...
Sure, why not, who cares.

Bless Online is rolling out a big update on July 4

Whether you're having a lot of fun with Bless Online or wondering if its port is something of a curse, you probably would not...

Enter to win a very good boy in Neverwinter: A Darkfish Fey Wolf mount for PC in honor of Mists of Barovia

To celebrate the arrival of Mists of Barovia for Neverwinter on PC this week, PWE has kindly given Massively OP 30 mount keys to give away to our readers! Suratuk’s...

H1Z1 roars past 10 million users on PlayStation 4

After it looked like H1Z1 was being rendered obsolete by last year's rise of PUBG and Fortnite, having lost 90% of its playerbase by...
Numbers get smaller.

Ion Hazzikostas on World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth’s design philosophy

If you felt like World of Warcraft: Legion hit the random chance button too hard (likely as one of the many players who waited...

The Stream Team: A second attempt at DCUO’s second part of The Death of Superman

When Massively OP's MJ tried to do The Death of Superman, part 2 in DCUO, the game died instead. The update killed the launcher...

Battle Royale roundup: Realm Royale, H1Z1, PUBG, and Cuisine Royale

All hands on deck, people! We are at Maximum Battle Royale this summer and the bubble hasn't burst - at least not yet. Maybe...

Enter to win a copy of Will to Live Online from AlphaSoft and MOP!

Here's a new one for us: Will to Live Online hit Steam early access back in April. Developer AlphaSoft calls it an "MMORPG-shooter whose...
Pack it in.

Legends of Aria has a huge graphics upgrade in store for closed beta as it kicks off a community scavenger hunt

Legends of Aria has a big reveal today: It's completely revamped its graphics ahead of its second closed beta. The word Citadel uses is...
Roe, Roe, Roe your boat.

Final Fantasy XIV reveals details about Heaven-on-High and Fan Festival ticket purchases

The next deep dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV is really the opposite of "deep." You're not going down in Heaven-on-High; you're going up. But...

Great, now Sea of Thieves’ skeletons have gotten into the gunpowder

Just when you thought that you could handle anything Sea of Thieves' rascally skeletons could throw at you, now they have barrels of gunpowder...
This seems like more of a half-move.

Vague Patch Notes: On balance and differentiation in MMOs

Do you like fighting games? I don't. Let's talk about fighting games. But bear with me because you'll get where this is going. While I...

Shroud of the Avatar’s 55th release includes brewing and starter houses for everyone

Portalarium is shaking off its layoffs and plunging onward with the release of Shroud of the Avatar's 55th update. Release 55 should be live...

Elite Dangerous’ Beyond: Chapter 2 arrives today; here’s the launch trailer!

The second chapter in Elite Dangerous' Beyond content is due to land early this afternoon, with the Alliance Challenger as well as a "selection...
I'm kind of a contradiction.

World of Warcraft gets its epic ducks in a row for Battle for Azeroth

With the Midsummer Fire Festival roaring through July 5th and artifact weapons on their way out of the game, World of Warcraft is heating...

The Stream Team: Going to Trove’s Geode

Massively OP's MJ built the ship, and now it is time to set sail and travel to Geode! The expansion/update is live, and she...